chapter 716

"Don't throw it out!""No, I'll remix the flavor for you." Ling Jiuze said, pouring his bowl of noodles back into the pot with the rest of Su Xi's half bowl.Su Xi said coldly, "Mr. Ling, do you think t...Chapter 716

the movie played at the back, tearing up most of the people in the cinema, and Tang Han burst into tears.

the heroine was pregnant with a man's child, and she went through a lot of hardships when she gave birth, that is, she met her present husband because she was grateful to marry him.

to the end, the hostess did not tell the male master that she and her husband's children were actually male's.

the two separated at the seaside and agreed that they would never see each other again in this life.


A two-hour movie, it was almost ten o'clock when the show ended.

Ling Jiuze had been waiting for Su Xi outside. He saw her come out, got out of the car with his coat, and walked towards her.

Su Xi also saw Ling Jiuze, turned around and said goodbye to Tang Han.

the light was dim, and the man was tall and handsome. Tang Jie was stunned and whispered, "Su Xi, is this your boyfriend"

"Yes, I'll go first, so be careful on your way!"


Tang Han still stared at the man, feeling that even the current traffic star is not as handsome as the man in front of him, mainly because of the reserved and cold temperament of the man, which is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Su Xi went to meet Ling Jiuze. He put on the clothes in his hand and opened the car door for Su Xi and Qingning thoughtfully.

Tang Han and Su Xi, who was sitting in the car, waved their hands and watched the car speeding away. Out of sight, Tang Han let out a sigh and walked towards his car.

Ling Jiuze was driving and asked the two people behind him, "are you hungry after watching the movie" Would you like to have a midnight snack first "

Qing Ning said with a smile, "I'm not hungry. Brother Ku asked Su Xi."

Su Xi smiled faintly. "after eating a lot of popcorn, I'm not hungry!"

Ling Jiuze glanced at Su Xi through the rearview mirror, with thin lips slightly hooked, "did you still have a cold drink"

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Su Xi and Qingning looked at each other and raised their eyebrows slightly. "No, just popcorn."

she heard Ling Jiuze let out a very low sneer, and she didn't know if he had believed it.

when he returned to the imperial court, Qingning got out of the car and said to Su Xi, "I'm a little dizzy. I'm going for a walk outside. You and your uncle can go back first."

"I'll go with you!" Su Xi said and let Ling Jiuze go home first.

Ling Jiuze responded faintly, "it's cold outside, so don't stay too long."

Su Xi answered, and Qingning went outside.

the moonlight is very good, a bright moon, cold hanging in the sky.

the two were sitting on benches in the community garden, the cold wind blowing and the yellowing leaves rustling on the trees.

Su Xi took off his coat to Qingning, and Qingning shook his head. "I'm not cold. Wear it. If you catch a cold, uncle will blame me."

"I'm more antifreeze than you!" Su Xi couldn't help wearing his coat on Qingning.

Qingning looked at the deep night, thoughtful and tangled, "Su Xi, if it were you, would you tell Jiang Chen"

Su Xi turned around and said, "were you touched by today's movie"

Qingning nodded slowly. "I was suddenly scared. I was afraid that I was like Qiao Yan in the movie and missed the most important person in my life."

"then tell Jiang Chen!" Su Xidao.

"but what if he doesn't want the baby" Qingning frowned.

Su Xi said, "now this child belongs to both of you. If you tell him that he doesn't want it, then this child is only your own!"

Qing Ning was stunned and looked at Su Xi in amazement. trembling slightly out of control.she never dared to think that Chiang Sam would fall in love with her!now the man's gentle whispers and gentle kisses are like a dream, making her want to immerse her...