Chapter 1679

e, but unfortunately I didn't see it in the store. I also asked their manager, who said that this set of necklaces had been bought by someone. It turned out that it was Miss Su. It seemed that Miss Su...Chapter 1679

Su Zhengrong was stunned.

and, "Ling Jiuze's tone is getting colder and colder." Don't work outside and show off under the name of Su Xi ing. If I find out, your whole Su family may not be able to bear the consequences. Su-hee can't move with me, and you'd better remember that! "

Ling Jiuze has hung up the phone. Su Zhengrong is holding the phone, his face is shocked, his heart is pounding, and the strong sense of pressure in the man's tone makes him feel a little frightened across the phone.

would Ling Jiuze really attack the Su family for Su Xi

Chen Yuan opened the door and came in. "are you done with the phone" What did Ling Jiuze say "

Su Zhengrong slumped down on his chair in a trance. "Why do I think something's going to happen"

Chen Yuan frowned, "what on earth did Ling Jiuze say" "

" he said, "Let's not do anything outside under the name of ing. Don't touch Su Xi, or he won't let us go!"

Chen Yuan sneered, "does that scare you" Ling Jiuze is just saying that he can really fight for Su Xi. What good is it for him "

Su Zhengrong shook his head. "you didn't hear Ling Jiuze's tone. He would really do it!" Remember the URL

Chen Yuan's eyes rolled, "Don't worry, it's all Ye Xuanxuan who is dealing with Su Xi, and it has nothing to do with us. Ling Jiuze is angry, and she can't blame us."

Su Zhengrong picked up a tissue and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and asked, "have you contacted Ye Xuanxuan in private"

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Chen Yuan's eyes twinkled, "what's the matter"

"delete all phone calls and chats." Su Zhengrong also hurriedly took out his mobile phone to operate, "quickly delete it, block Ye Xuanxuan, and don't leave anything behind."

Chen Yuan still has some doubts, "as for this"

Su Zhengrong's face sank, and there was a bit of hostility in his eyes. "Ling Jiuze's means, do you still need me to explain to you"

Chen Yuan, seeing that Su Zhengrong was so serious, dared not be vague and blocked all the contact information about Ye Xuanxuan on her mobile phone.


Ling Jiuze called Mingyin and said, "check the person who posted online and exposed ing right away. I want all his information."

Mingyin replied, "Yes, I'll check."

put down the phone, Ling Jiuze thought that Su Xi didn't go to work during this period of time, is it really a holiday

he called Xu Chen again, and Xu Chen quickly replied, "Boss Ling, Miss Su didn't go to the crew because of Ye Xuan Xuan!"

Ling Jiuze's long eyes squinted slightly, "Ye Xuanxuan"

"is the only daughter of the Ye family in the capital, who is now studying in the capital. She asked Miss Su to design a dress, but Miss Su did not agree. She secretly threatened Miss Su. I wonder if what happened on the Internet has anything to do with her. "

Ling Jiuze's face cooled down,

"I see!"elp but on the copilot, and Ling Jiuze leaned over to help her fasten her seat belt, then held her face and kissed her gently.the sun falls on the girl's eyebrows, pure and soft.she clutched...