Chapter 2856

ng!""Grandpa Wu, Mid-Autumn Festival is healthy!" Ling Jiuze Road.(adsbygoogle = indo.adsbygoogle | | []) .ush ({});"Health!" Old Wu smiled and nodded. "the Mid-Autumn Festival gift sent by Mr. Ling h...Chapter 2856

Qin Weiyin said, "if you want to take something home, I'll clean it up with you."

Jiangtu Nan said with a smile, "it doesn't matter. I can do it myself. I don't have much stuff!"

Qin said kindly, "be sure to come home when you're done. Grandpa has something to discuss with you."

Jiangtu Nan responded, "good."

Liang Chen said with a smile, "wait for Tunan to go home and live in the room next to me. It just so happens that we can also keep company and chat."

Qin Weiyin smiled and refused, "No, I have asked someone to clean up the room next door to me. I want to be closer to my husband."

Liang Chen said with a smile, "that's fine."

after breakfast, Si Heng sent Jiang Tunan to the company, and Mr. Qin sent him all the way to the gate of the hospital.

Liang Chen sat in the car driven by the Qin family driver, looking at the car of Si Heng reluctantly, and felt a chill in his heart.

sure enough, the one she gave birth to is her own. She spent several months with Qin at Qin's house, which is not as good as Jiangtu Nan just got here a day ago.

"Let's go, we're going to be late." Liang Chen withdrew his eyes and told the driver.


Si Heng drove, looked ahead and asked Jiang Tunan, "do you really have a party at night"

Jiang Tunan leaned lazily against the back of her chair, the sun shining on her soft side face, and she nodded, "really!"

Si Heng glanced at her and said nothing.

Jiangtu Nan Rou said with a smile, "I'll drive there by myself at night, so you don't have to pick me up."

"Hmm!" Si Heng nodded lightly.

after a moment of silence, Jiangtunan asked lightly, "when will you and Grandpa Jiang return to Jiangcheng"

"what's wrong" Si Heng asked.

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"it's nothing," Jiangtu Nanton said, turning his head. "Grandpa Jiang has worked a lot for me. I'd like to invite Grandpa Jiang to dinner before you go."

Si Heng smiled lightly. "I'm worried about you, too. Why don't you invite me"

Jiang Tunan smiled perfectly. "Please join us, of course."

"not yet!" Si Hengmei's eyes are handsome and resolute. "Grandpa stay with Grandpa Qin for a few days. I also have other things to do."

"Oh!" Jiang Tunan nodded slightly, but did not ask him what he wanted.

when she arrived at Jiangtunan's company, she took off her seat belt and waved goodbye to him. "be careful on the way back."

"do a good job!"

Si Heng said faintly, and after she got out of the car, he turned around and left.


Jiangtunan, as usual, had meetings, read reports, reviewed plans, and was so busy that he didn't even have time for a sip of water.

just in a certain gap, the brain empty, suddenly remembered that they have relatives.

still feels trance unreal.

towards noon, Jiang Tunan received a strange phone call. After it was connected, Qin's gentle voice of concern came, "daughter-in-law, I'm Grandpa!"

Jiangtu Nan chuckled, "I can tell. What do you want with me"

Old Qin was silent for a moment because of Jiang Tunan's politeness, and soon smiled and said, "I asked Ah Heng where you work and asked someone to bring you lunch. You should have a good meal."

Jiangtu Nan was stunned, "Don't bother,"

"has been sent!" Qin kept interrupting her, "Don't be polite to Grandpa."

Jiangtu Nan had to answer, "OK, thank you!"meone was supporting Mario and guessed that the conversation with Mario would not go well today. He contacted the Black Marines ahead of time and asked them to come to the is true that he wa...