chapter 255

ront of Ling Jiuze.Jiang Chen smiled back and said, "Why are you still so cold Lin Qing didn't light a good cigarette just now, and you taught him a lesson, but are you still angry"Su Xi smelled the w...Chapter 255

hung up the phone, and Su Xi put his cell phone aside and didn't take it to heart.


in the evening Shen Ming came and asked Su Xi to deliver the wine.

Sister Chen is also embarrassed. What does Shen Ming mean Clearly know that Su Xi is Ling Jiuze's people, this is deliberately to fight with Ling Jiuze

when she was in a dilemma, Sun Yue went into the pantry with the wine, put the wine in her hand on the table and said to Sister Chen, "8805 of the guests asked Su Xi to deliver the wine, but the family I sent didn't want it."

Sister Chen, "."

what's going on today

Yan Xue said in a lukewarm way, "these guests are really too. Don't you know that we, Suxi, are for royal use" Now that he is a golden leaf, how can he serve mortals "

another girl named Li Ai whispered, "in fact, Su Xi is easy to get along with. When we are busy, she will take the initiative to help."

Yan Xue sneered, "We earn the same money, but people do you a favor when they are idle and bored, which moves you"

Sister Chen glanced at her. "I don't think you've learned a lesson. You don't want to do it"

Yan Xue turned pale and shut up.

"I'm going to 8805."

the door came a clear sound, everyone looked back, Yan Xue startled, Su Xi is not in the lounge When did you get here

Sister Chen said hurriedly, "Boss Ling may come over later. I'll go to 8805 to see who the guests are."

"Don't look, it's just a gift of wine. Ben is what I'm supposed to do." Su Xi did not look at Yan Xue, took the wine and went out.

when Su Xi left, Yan Xue was afraid and asked Sister Chen, "did Su Xi hear" Will she go to Boss Ling and say something "

Sister Chen said coldly, "now you know you're scared" Sooner or later, you will die on your mouth! "

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Yan Xue looked worried and looked carefully at Sun Yue, who shrugged her shoulders and went to work.

Sun Yue came out of the pantry and ran into Sun Cong, "where's Su Xi"

Sun Yue rolled her eyes and immediately smiled, "Boss Sun came unluckily. Su Xi was called away by 8805 of the guests."

Sun Cong frowned, "didn't we find Su Xi first"

"Yes!" Sun Yue lowered her voice, "but Su Xi didn't want to go to 8801, so he took the wine list of 8805, which seemed to be deliberately hiding from Mr. Shen."

Sun Cong looked at her and smiled, "OK, I see!"

Sun Yuezhong smiled angrily, "I didn't say anything. Boss Sun, don't say what I said in front of Mr. Shen."

Sun Cong nodded. "I see. Go ahead!"

"Ai!" Sun Yue smiled carefully and regretted provoking him in front of Sun Cong for fear that Shen Ming would be implicated in his own unhappiness.


the eighth floor private room should be unique to the eighth floor, so Su Xi was a little surprised to see Song ran in the private room.

Song ran came prepared, brought five or six sisters, and was ready to wait for Su Xi.

as soon as Su Xi entered, someone came and closed the door.

A girl in a miniskirt stood up blowing bubble gum and sneered, "is that the good thing you ruined ran ran" Do you know who we are "

Su Xi put down the wine, looked calm, turned around and walked out.

"stop!" Song ran said coldly, "do you want to go"

the miniskirt spits the bubblegum in her mouth into the glass, pours the wine in, walks up to Su Xi, and

"drink it!"enever you want!"Yao Jing was confused for a while, and the corners of her lips were forced to overflow and whisper, as if she agreed.this man is so flirtatious that she really can't resist it. She ha...