Chapter 2470

was soft."Uncle, look at Mr. Su bullying me!" Ling Yihang complained to Ling Jiuze.Ling Jiuze smiled, "she's telling the truth!"Ling Yihang, ".he shrugged." well, you two are husband and wife, but we...Chapter 2470

Jiang Jiang grabbed his shirt and said, "Don't hang up on me for no reason!"

"well, good!" The man answered in a low voice.

Jiang Jiang looked up. "what about you what are you thinking"

Qin Jun raised her hand and caressed her face, pointing her belly to and fro on her eyebrows and eyelids, "thinking, how can you fall in love with me as soon as possible" Forget all about that man! "

Jiang Mouguang was shocked and seemed to feel the uneasiness in his heart only at this moment.

Jiang Jiang had a little secret delight in his heart, but he didn't show it. He just dropped his eyes and said, "if you lecture me all day long, how can I fall in love with you"

Qin Jun frowned, "when did I scold you"

Jiang Jiang rolled his eyes and said, "anyway, there's something wrong with your attitude!"

Qin Jun said earnestly, "I will change!"

Jiang couldn't help raising his lips, still in an unpleasant tone. "after that, don't dislike me, don't scold me, don't lose your temper at me, can you do that"

Qin Junzhong said, "I have never disliked you."

Ginger blinds his lips, "really"


Jiang Jiang was happy in his heart, pressing his face against his chest and hugging him hard. "I'm not a fickle person. I decided to break up with Zhou Ruishen. I never thought about turning back, being with you, and I wouldn't treat your feelings as a joke!"

Qin Jun's eyes are dark. "I know, it's my own problem!"

"I was very aggrieved just now!" Jiang Jiang snorted.

"it's my fault, so I came here to admit my mistake!"

when Jiang Jiang was about to say something, his mouth suddenly sneezed. Qin Jun frowned, picked her up and walked into the living room.

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all the way back to the bedroom and put her in the quilt.

Qin Jun turned to leave. Jiang Yi grabbed his sleeve. "where are you going"

seeing the reluctance in her eyes, Qin Jun was vaguely happy at the bottom of her heart and slowed down her voice. "do you have any cold medicine I bought" I'll give you some medicine. "

Jiang Jiang then let him go. "Yes, it's in the kitchen cupboard."

"wait!" Qin Jundao.

"Hmm!" Ginger covered the quilt and nodded cleverly.

Jiang Jiang didn't come back for several days. There was no hot water at home. Qin Jun boiled water again and brought her medicine.

Jiang was leaning against the bedside to play mobile games. When he saw him come in, he also smelled a strong smell of ginger.

she chucked her mouth and complained, "my mother shouldn't have given me that name. I've never left Jiang since I was a child!"

her father's surname is Jiang, and her mother's surname is Jiang, and they have a child. They want to save trouble and call Jiang Jiang directly.

has harmed her!

Qin Jun sat by the bed with a gentle smile on his face. "if you know you are not in good health, you must learn from it!"

"scold me again!" Jiang Da stared at him. "what did you say just now"

"this is not a sermon, but a deep responsibility of love!" Qin Jun smiled on his lips.

Jiang Jiang's heart was sweet and his face showed some embarrassment. Suddenly his face changed again, and he picked his eyebrow and said, "does this sentence describe love"

Qin Jun's eyes were dark. She didn't speak. She only hooked the corner of her lips and brought over the cold-repellent drink. "drink it while it's hot and go to bed early after drinking it!"

Jiang Jiang took the cup in his hand and casually said, "it's late. Go home and secure the door for me!"

Qin Jun looked at her impassively. "where am I going back"

"go back to the place where you live," Jiang didn't finish his words. Seeing the man's deep eyes, he suddenly couldn't go on.rouble to Yinuo, no matter who is right or wrong, I don't care about her own performance education or how long she has been in the company."Ning Fei has a solid position in Ning Shi, and everyone in t...