chapter 1034

rned to Su Xi and said softly, "when we came, there was a coffee shop next to us. Wait for me there, and I'll be there soon." Remember the URLSu Xi nodded, "all right!"since Nangongyou asked her to le...Chapter 1034

Tang Han took the special water from his assistant behind him and handed it to Su Xi with a gentle smile. "it's too hot, let's have a rest!" This water is the high-end water provided by the sponsor, and it's very sweet! "

"No!" Su Xi's expression was cold.

Tang Han withdrew his hand and suggested, "it's too hot here. Why don't you go and sit in my lounge for a while"

"can I help you" Su Xi's eyes were bright and bright, and he looked at her lightly.

Tang Han knew that no matter what he said, he would eat here with Su Xi, so he simply told him why he was coming. "Su Xi, do you know ing"


Tang Han's assistant Feifei's face sank. Who dares to talk to her family like that

she was angry with Su Xi and was about to say something when she was stopped by Tang Han with a look in her eyes.

Tang Han continued to laugh softly, "Su Xi, I'm talking about work. Shall we put aside our personal grudges for a while"

Su Xi continued to mind his own business and whispered, "if you have anything to do, just say, don't talk so much nonsense!"

Tang Han flashed a trace of embarrassment on his face, but his smile was more friendly. "I'm going to attend a charity party in a few days. I'd like to ask ing to help design a dress. Could you introduce it to us in the middle" Don't worry, as long as you help me get in touch with ing, my agent will pay you a lot of money no matter whether it works or not. "

Su Xi glanced at Tang Han and said quietly, "I haven't been in the studio for a long time, and I've been working outside. I'm not familiar with ing. I'm afraid I can't help you!"

"you can give me the contact information of ing, and I'll contact you myself!"


Tang Han's face darkened slightly, and his assistant, Feifei, blurted out, "Su Xi, don't be ungrateful, we Han Han is now an A-list star, how many designers are waiting to design clothes for Han Han, Han Han is to give you face, just want to give that ing a chance!"

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Tang Han didn't stop Feifei until she finished, and then reprimanded, "Don't say a few words!"

Su Xi looked at the arrogant Feifei and smiled faintly. "even if your artists are A-list stars, they don't deserve to wear dresses designed by ing!"

"you!" Feifei glared at Suxi angrily.

Su Xi turned his pen and said coldly, "do you want to do it"

Feifei suddenly lost his arrogance, and who in the crew didn't know that Su Xi knew kung fu and did it ruthlessly!

Tang Huan frowned and rebuked, "do you have anything to say here" Su-hee and I are friends, so we need you to stir up trouble here! "

Feifei bit her lip, embarrassed and dared not make a sound.

Tang Han turned his face and looked at Su Xi. "Su Xi, I just want the contact information of ing. It's not difficult for you, is it"

Su Xi's beautiful eyes are picturesque, but she is as cold as snow. "I don't have it. You want me to give it. Do you think it's difficult"

Tang Han put away a little smile on his face with a bit of gloom and coldness in his eyes. "Su Xi, do we have to be so hostile"

"so you think we can be friends" Su Xi suddenly sneered. "isn't it uncomfortable to pretend to be a white lotus all day"

Tang Han, pale and gloomy in embarrassment, stared at Su Xi and turned away.

Feifei walked behind and glared at Su Xi.

Tang Han returned to his dressing room, and the director's assistant told her to shoot the next scene. She took a few deep breaths and asked the makeup artist to fix her makeup, then changed her clothes to go, why kill all the Su family Let us live. Grandpa is too old to withstand such troubles, and I heard that your mother is also sick and admitted to the hospital. After all, your surname is Su. We ar...