Chapter 975: Chapter 975

s very strict. Duan Qianqian could not come in originally. She was an owner here. She knew that she had come to visit the grandma of the war family, and she kindly brought Duan Qianqian in. In fact, t...Chapter 975

when Zhan Yin returned to the office, she didn't go to work immediately, but called her mother first.

he is a man who rarely takes the initiative to contact his mother. When Tang Junye received a phone call from his eldest son, his heart hung high in an instant.

she feels that she seldom takes the initiative to contact her eldest son, and once she calls her, it must be a big deal, so she is nervous and afraid, especially the husband-and-wife relationship between Zhan Yin and Haitong has not been restored. She is a mother and a mother-in-law, but there is nothing she can do.

"A Yin."

Zhan Yin recognized his mother's hidden worry in his mother's voice. Instead of deliberately saying words of comfort, he said to his mother in a relaxed tone, "Mom, the Shang trackless wife is pregnant."

when Tang Junye heard him say this, he was stupefied at first. Soon, he said with a smile: "that's something worthy of congratulations."

the business community has not yet announced the news of Lan Jing's pregnancy. Their large families are fastidious. They will not announce it until they have reached the end of three months. They will not announce it until they have settled down after three months.

Lan Jing is first pregnant, and the one who can know the news is the closest person between the Lan family and the merchant. Haitong is the niece of Mrs. Shang, she will know that Lan Jing is pregnant normally.

Haitong will tell Zhan Yin that the rigid relationship between husband and wife has broken the ice and eased.

this is why Tang Junye is happy. She is not happy for Lan Jing.

"Mom prepares some supplements and sends them to the merchant herself."

Zhan Yin thanked her mother.

Tang Junye said: "No matter what the relationship between Zhan and Shang is, Mrs. Shang is the aunt of Haitong. Lan Jing is pregnant. We don't know. We always send some gifts to express our position." This is human contact, and it's what mom should do. "

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"when will you bring Hai Tong back for dinner"

"I'll take her back to the villa for a while when she's free."

Tang Junye said, "you should also discuss with her sister about your wedding. If you can give her everything you can, don't wronge her."

"Mom, I know."

"give me your sister's home address, and I'll discuss the wedding with her."

Zhan Yin said: "my sister still rents a house."

"I thought of giving her a house, but my sisters refused."

after being silent for a while, Tang Junye said, "your grandmother took a fancy to Haitong, probably because of her character that a gentleman loves money and takes it wisely."

not for the fame and fortune of their fighters.

in this materialistic society, it is rare for Haitong sisters to be free from the temptation of money.

that is, Haitong's background is always a bit poor, and the class in his hometown is the best.

Tang Junye is extremely disgusted when he thinks of it.

is simply messing around. I have never seen such a ruthless and unreasonable person.

talking about the house, Zhan Yin remembered the Valentine's Day gift she had prepared for Hai Tong, but Hai Tong didn't accept it in the end.

he thought about asking Shen Xiaojun to hand it over to Haitong, but Shen Xiaojun asked him to give it to Haitong himself.

he also gave all his property to Haitong, but Haitong still refused, but was willing to help him keep the house property certificate and other important documents, which was also his threat to her. If she didn't keep it, he threw it away.

she just kept it for him.

black card, but gave it back to him.);is better known than to meet.the old lady is more approachable than she thought, and she really has no airs at just like her grandmother, warm and hospitable."you can come and play without br...