chapter 952

ly.the old man took out a hookah, took out his tobacco, lit two mouthfuls of hookah, and said, "Hai Tong's marriage is such a big thing, he didn't tell us that we didn't know about the existence of ou...Chapter 952

because Hai Tong and Zhan Yin live separately, aunt Liang goes back to Mingyuan Garden to clean and water the flowers on the balcony at a regular time every day. She no longer lives there, but lives back to her original place, that is, the villa on the top of the hill.

Uncle Ming, the housekeeper who came back from leave, gave aunt Liang a car to make it easier for her to get in and out.

"Big and young lady."

Auntie just finished mopping the floor and saw Haitong coming and respectfully said hello.

"Auntie Liang, please call me Miss Hai as you used to. Don't be a big and young woman. It sounds awkward to me."

she never put on airs like a young lady in front of her aunt.

Aunt Liang dared not. She said, "if the young master knows, he will deduct my bonus."

"if the eldest daughter-in-law listens more everyday, she will get used to it."

Haitong: "." Zhan Yin knows how to threaten people.

she went into the shop.

when Shen Xiaojun saw her coming in, he looked her up and down.

"what, don't you recognize me"

Shen Xiaojun smiled and said, "I think you look good, feel good and in a good mood today. Has something happened to you"

"Yes, I had an affair. I met a handsome guy who was even more handsome than Zhan Yin."

Shen Xiaojun grinned, "I know it's impossible with my toes. Looking at the whole city of Dongguan, which man can compete less than your family" Even Sunan is not as attractive as him. "

Southern Jiangsu is a gossip artist, which is a bit of a draw.

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of course, Shen Xiaojun likes his gossip, who says she is also a gossip.

two gossips come together and everyone becomes a topic in their mouths.

"have you made up with the war boy" After such a long time, I think your anger has subsided, and now that you have lost your temper, you should make up. I think Sunan has a terrible headache. He said that the war boy was messing around in the company, torturing everyone to complain bitterly. "

Haitong said faintly, "when he tortures others, he also tortures himself."

this is not gastritis.

she just sent him to the hospital to see a doctor last night.

Haitong didn't tell her friends about this kind of thing.

"by the way, when will Sister Hai Ling's shop open for business I said in my family group that on the opening day, let them all go to Sister Hai Ling's breakfast restaurant to have breakfast, cheer up, add popularity and Wang Wang."

Haitong can't thank you enough.

her best friend is really awesome.

in this life, she is really lucky to have a best friend like Shen Xiaojun.

"the day has been chosen, and it will open for business next Monday. She mainly focuses on the workers near there, so on Monday, at the beginning of the week, everyone will play for two days, will be tired, do not want to make breakfast, will choose to go out to eat."

Shen Xiaojun remembered the opening time of Hailing's breakfast restaurant.

"I'm going to help that day."

Shen Xiaojun said: "that's natural. Can I help you"she is unreasonable and unreasonable. What is the rough scene that she is afraid ofshe also makes rough scenes when she is in a bad mood."my sister got what she got, but the Zhou family refused to ref...