chapter 701

t in the cart. Let's push him and take it easy."Zhan Yin immediately gave the car keys to Aunt Liang, who went to the car to bring down Yangyang's children's wheelbarrow.after checking the tickets, th...Chapter 701

Tang Junye has been spoiled by her husband for more than 30 years since she married her husband. Now, in her husband's eyes, she is still the most important wife.

Zhan Yin's face darkened.

"OK, Mom doesn't speak ill of Haitong. Look at your face. Mom is just reminding you. It doesn't mean that she has become like that now, her face has changed, and she is so elder."

Tang Junye is afraid that when Hai Tong learns that his family is the richest man in war, he will suddenly fly up the branch and become a Phoenix. He will be ecstatic and rely on his identity to get into trouble and let his son follow him to clean up.

remind the son a few words, as a result, the son is unhappy, handsome face pulled into a horse's face.

"Mom, you haven't got along with Tong Tong, and you don't know her character, but your son's vision, you should know, Tong Tong won't bully others."

the two sisters recognized a rich and powerful aunt like Mrs. Shang, but they both kept a low profile. Only people in the upper-class circle knew that the sisters were Mrs. Shang's nieces, and no one outside knew.

Oh, the Zhou family knows.

Zhou Honglin's parents and sisters are probably turning blue with regret now.

under his suppression, they will soon lose their jobs.

by then, the Zhou family will only regret it even more.

"Mom believes it. Mom believes what she said just now. Mom promises not to say it again."

Tang Junye doesn't want to make his son angry.

"you are in good spirits and there seem to be signs of putting on weight. Haitong takes good care of you."

Zhan Yin: ". Mom, are you sure I'm showing signs of getting fat "

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he hurriedly looked down at his stomach.

it's flat, and there's no extra meat.

when he was discharged from the hospital, he weighed himself, which was still a standard weight.

"Mom hasn't seen you for a long time because she thinks you seem to have put on weight. No If not, it may be because mom has a bad look in her eyes. "

Haitong entered the house with a bag of fresh shrimp and happened to hear her mother-in-law's last words.

she remembered that she had met her mother-in-law while shopping, and her mother-in-law stared at her as if she didn't know her.

later mentioned to Zhan Yin that Zhan Yin said his eyes were not good.

it turns out that my mother-in-law's eyes are really not good.

"here comes the shrimp."

Zhan Yin walked over, took the bag of live shrimp from Hai Tong and opened the bag to have a look.

"very big."

Haitong said something.

Zhan Yin went into the kitchen with the bag of shrimp and asked Haitong to talk with his mother.

Hai Tong saw her mother-in-law sitting on the sofa, and there was not even a cup of warm water on the coffee table in front of her.

she went to pour her mother-in-law a glass of warm water, turned on the TV, and said to her mother-in-law, "Mom, sit down for a while and I'll go in and help."

Tang Junye nodded slightly. "go ahead. Mom is not an outsider. You don't need to greet her."

Haitong turned around and followed her into the kitchen.

she knows how to help and won't sit and wait to eat, so that Tang Junye's inner dislike can be relieved a little.

Ten minutes later.

Tang Junye sat at the dinner table at the invitation of his son daughter-in-law, even though he had eaten.

"Mom, try Zhan Yin's cooking."

Hai Tong picked up some food for her mother-in-law and smiled and let Tang Junye have a taste.

Tang Junye saw her son wearing disposable gloves to peel shrimp shells. She didn't have to wait to know that the shrimp meat that had been shelled would not be put into her bowl. She didn't know what it was like.

if her husband is so considerate to her, she will feel very happy. torture you through your mother-in-law so as to destroy you and the happiness of war youth.""the problem of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has been a big problem since ancient times. In the past,...