chapter 644

e painful. "Hai Tong took his arm and said softly, "I see you slept soundly, so I didn't wake you up. I still have a headache. I continue to make up for sleep after breakfast. These days are Labour Da...Chapter 644

after the green light, Junran's chauffeured car leaves first.

Shang Xiaofei saw his license plate number.

thought, whose car is that Are those black cars in the back bodyguard cars

who else is there besides Zhan Yin who likes to go in and out with a group of bodyguards in Guancheng

Shang Xiaofei has no impression.

her eldest brother doesn't like to bring bodyguards, and occasionally he only brings two bodyguards. Unlike Zhan Yin, the bodyguard team is divided into two shifts, each class has eight people, so every time he shows up, he always feels like an emperor.

Hai Tong did not know that Shang Xiaofei met Junran on the road. After she sent a location to Shang Xiaofei, she sent a message to Shen Xiaojun, telling her friends that she had to go to her aunt's house to recognize the door. After

, she thought for a while before sending a message to Zhan Yin.

Zhan Yin estimated that she was still on the plane and did not return the message to her.

Hai Tong's heart suddenly sank again.

muttered: "if you don't reply, don't reply. I need your reply."

he stuffed his cell phone into the pocket of his coat, got up, took the dishes and chopsticks into the kitchen and washed them.

"Sister, have you been medicated for the scars on your face"

"I've been medicated. I don't know if it will leave a scar."

"the wound is not deep and won't leave a scar."

Hai Ling came over with Yang Yang in her arms and watched her sister wash the dishes at the kitchen door. "Tong Tong, do you think my sister's heart has softened"

"you forgive them for Yang Yang's sake, and they know that we have a real aunt, and they should not dare to hit you again, that is." Sister, I think your ex-mother-in-law regretted it. "

"she regretted it a long time ago, but she didn't want to give up my daughter-in-law, but she didn't want her son to give me the money. Now she's divorced, no matter what they do."

while talking, Hai Ling received a call that seemed familiar and strange.

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says she is a stranger, but she can't remember the phone number completely and says she is familiar with it. She has received a call from this number.

"Hailing, it's me."

as soon as Hai Ling answered the phone, there came the sound of Ye Jiani's whine.

"is there something wrong with Miss Ye"

Hai Ling blocked the Zhou family's mobile phone number, but Ye Jiani's mobile phone number was not blocked.

"nothing. Can I add your Wechat"

Ye Jiani always speaks with whine, and Hai Ling frowns when she hears it. "Miss Ye, can you speak in a normal tone"

she is not Zhou Honglin. She likes to hear Ye Jiani speak loudly.

after a moment of silence, Ye Jiani spoke normally: "Hai Ling, I want to add your Wechat. Can you agree"

"Miss Ye, are you awake, or are you out of your mind Add me as a friend of Wechat What do we have to talk about "

Ye Jiani said: "Hai Ling, I am not afraid of you scolding me for being arrogant. I just want to know if you can live a good life without divorce and Honglin." Oh, by the way, you've got more than one million yuan of property, and you and your son can live frugally for a long time. "

Hai Ling, not so angry by her arrogance, said calmly, "I still live in a city. I deliberately want to know that Miss Ye can still find out. Miss Ye is waiting to see my mother and son lead a prosperous life."

"I would like to remind Miss Ye not to be too arrogant, or she will come to a miserable end."

Ye Jiani laughed. "what to do I am so arrogant." You know, I've known about you since I joined Weihao Electronics Company. they all said how good you were and how good-looking you were, and that you and Hong Linlang were talented and beautiful. "

"I'm jealous of you. I'm going to take everything that belongs to you."est brother.he also asked with concern, "Uncle, are you not feeling well And don't keep it from us. Tell us what's wrong with you. "Tang Junye's face recovered as usual. she came over and went to her...