chapter 538

and went home as soon as the car left the gate of Dongguan City Middle School and drove into the main road outside, she almost hit a Land Rover, which startled her to put on the brakes so tha...Chapter 538

Hai Tong sneers in her heart. People are doing it, heaven is watching, and there will be retribution.

Grandma and Grandpa's retribution is on their way.

"No matter why they're here, we'll go there with you and fight with you. We'll always have a hand."

the old lady insisted on accompanying Haitong over.

Hai Tong wanted to say that she was also very good at fighting. Thinking that the best things in her hometown were all gathered in her shop, she really started a fight, and she had few people, so she didn't stop the old lady from accompanying her.

she heard from her sister that the old lady was very good.

after the three men finished eating noodles, Haitong wanted to clean up the bowls and chopsticks. The old lady glanced at her grandson, and Zhan Yin got up silently, took the bowls and chopsticks from Haitong's hand and took them into the kitchen to wash.

"Tong Tong, don't spoil Ah Yin too much."

the old lady taught Haitong: "you have to ask him to help with some housework. This family belongs to your husband and wife. It depends on you two to work together. He will be tired when he goes to work. If you work to earn money, aren't you tired"

"Don't let him be an uncle at home. Ask him to do something so that you can relax yourself in the future."

"Grandma, Zhanyin is already very good. He will help with some housework."

her dirty brother-in-law is really an uncle when he comes home from work.

when she asked her sister to do everything for him, saying that he had hands and feet, why not do it, he would confidently say that he had worked all day and was so tired that he couldn't have a rest when he got home

then she said that her sister had a child at home, easy, and asked him to help her with the housework, saying that her sister was lazy.

didn't bother to complain about the scum man, and her sister was about to give him away to Ye Jiani.

see if Ye Jiani will spoil Zhou Honglin and don't need him to do anything.

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"their brothers have been asked by me to have the ability to take care of themselves since childhood, which is really good. I am just afraid that you will feel sorry for him and spoil him because he is tired from work. Tong Tong, I tell you, good men are trained by themselves, and lazy men are spoiled by themselves. "

"if you want a good man, you should train A Yin with your heart. Although he is stupid and not good at expressing feelings, if he cares about you, he can spoil you to heaven. He spoils you better than you spoil him. "

Hai Tong said with a smile, "Grandma, you are really Zhan Yin's own grandmother. When he listens to your words, he has to say that you are biased."

"I only tell you this because I am his own grandmother. Grandma wants you and your wife to live a peaceful and sweet life."

the old lady generously admitted that she was biased towards her daughter-in-law, the wife she personally chose for her eldest grandson.

pick it yourself, of course you have to be partial to it.

"I'm not like some old people who can't see the love between the couple. Is it so interesting that they always make a fuss and make a fuss at home" You divorced the couple and thought you could find a better one "

"A lot of people always think that their son and grandson are excellent, and they can get a better one if they leave. When they get divorced, the next one may be even worse, or they may not be able to get married."

"families with girls will quietly inquire about the character of the man's family before marrying their daughters. if they know that they are so fussy and love their daughters, who will marry their daughters into their families"

"does not mean that after divorce, they can only be bachelors for life, and when they regret and want to find the previous remarriage, hehe, they are already married."

the old lady has a clear head. She will not mess with the younger generation, nor will she allow her son and daughter-in-law to mess with the younger generation.looked around and saw that her nephew was still asleep, and her voice softened a bit."is breakfast ready" We'll bring breakfast to my sister later. ""Don't worry, Uncle Ming will arrange it."Hai Tong...