Chapter 1625

ion. have my parents gone through the adoption formalities with him ""my sister has my household registration book all the time. I looked it over and over again, but I didn't see a person added to my...Chapter 1625

as soon as he came out and saw Yang Yang kissing Haitong's face, he was jealous of a three-year-old child.

Zhan Yin hugs Yangyang's advanced house and talks to Yangyang as he walks.

"what does my uncle want to say to Yangyang"

Yang Yang looks curious.

then his uncle gave him a long speech.

Yang Yang:.

Uncle Yang said that he did not understand many things, but he only understood one meaning, that is, his uncle said he was a man and could not always kiss his aunt's face.

but that's his aunt.

Auntie can kiss his little face. Finally, there is only one thought in Yangyang's mind: the world of adults is really complicated and difficult to understand.

Zhan Yin's words to Yangyang left the sea speechless, so she had to say to her husband, "husband, take Yangyang upstairs to take a bath."


Zhan Yin took Yang Yang upstairs and said to Yang Yang, "Uncle will help you take a bath tonight."

"I'm going to take my toy to take a bath."

"you can take your squirt gun."


A big one and a small one are talking about the terms upstairs.

Hai Ling said to her sister, "Zhan Yin will spoil Yang."

"No, he spoils Yangyang, but he also has principles. Yangyang is not spoiled blindly. Yangyang is well taught by his sister, and he will not rely on spoiling and spoiling. He knows what can and cannot be done."

Yangyang can now be said to be a collection of thousands of favorites.

whether he is a businessman or a warrior, he is loved very much.

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"Sister wants to talk to me."

Haitong looks at her sister.

"Mrs. Lu asked me out to meet and talk tonight."

Hailing has nothing to hide from her sister.

my sister will consult with her and ask for her advice.

so does she.

"did Mrs. Lu take millions of checks to keep me away from Mr. Lu"

Hai Ling stares at her sister.

Hai Tong laughs, "there are often such plots in TV dramas."

she is not at all worried that Mrs. Lu will make an appointment with her sister, and her sister will suffer.

"Mrs. Lu told me a lot. In the end, she hoped that she would compensate me for the loss I suffered from moving the store, as well as the decoration expenses for renting the new store."

"Tong Tong, do you think I should move"

Hai Ling asked her sister, and without waiting for her to answer, she said to herself, "I thought about moving at the beginning, but I think it's useless. Boss Lu can still find me there."

"Mrs. Lu prefers me to leave Dongguan quietly with Yang Yang, saying that I am allowed to get in touch with you and my aunt, but she wants you to keep it a secret and not to reveal my whereabouts. If you do so, Mr. Lu will die."

Hai Tong stopped smiling, and her expression became serious and alive.

"how could Mrs. Lu ask you like that Why should you leave the city of Dongguan Obviously her son took the initiative to like you and pursue you, but why didn't she let her son leave the city of Dongguan and leave you alone "

Hai Ling smiled. her early thirties, and her partner is too old to be suitable for Hai Ling. ""the boss is a little older than you. He seems to be ten years or a round older than Hailing. It hurts when he is older."L...