Chapter 150

ed to come with us before we could take Yangyang. Yangyang didn't want to, so we couldn't force him.""Yang Yang, of course, won't follow us."Zhou Honglin followed his parents back to the sofa and sat...Chapter 150

A few minutes later, Haitong muttered, "think I want to come into your room" If one day, you beg me, I won't go in. "

thinking that he also locked the door after entering the room, Haitong no longer murmured, in the final analysis, this is the sequela of flash marriage.

after drinking the bowl of sober-up soup Zhan Yin personally cooked for her, Haitong also went back to her room to have a rest.

No more words all night.

the next day, when Haitong woke up, the sun had already risen high.

she touched her cell phone from the nightstand and saw that it was past seven o'clock. She, who is used to getting up early, seldom sleeps until this point. She usually gets up around six o'clock in the morning.

is because I had a glass of wine last night.

luckily, I woke up without a headache.

I'm just hungry.

Last night, I felt sorry for my sister. When she ate at her sister's house, she didn't eat much, and now she is hungry.

in the shortest time, she changed her clothes, washed and walked out of the room. When she tried to turn into the kitchen to prepare breakfast, she saw that breakfast had already been set on the table, or her favorite Cantonese morning tea, and all kinds of snacks filled the table.

Zhan Yin came out of the kitchen with two bowls of Minced Pork Congee with Preserved Egg. When he saw Haitong getting up, he said faintly, "when I got up, I saw that you weren't up yet, so I went outside and packed these breakfasts and came back. I cooked some more Minced Pork Congee with Preserved Egg myself."

"I thought you did it." I almost praised him for being a chef.

turned out to be packed outside.

Hai Tong, hungry and not polite to her husband, sat down at the table, picked up chopsticks, and first picked up a shrimp dumpling to eat.

"it's delicious. You didn't buy it at a nearby breakfast restaurant, did you"

even if the average breakfast restaurant will have Cantonese-style breakfast, the taste is always poor, not as delicious as those restaurants.

"I drove to the Guancheng Hotel to buy it. The morning tea in the Guancheng Hotel is famous for its many styles and excellent taste. I thought, if you don't eat, you must eat the best."

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in fact, Zhan Yin sent the bodyguards to the hotel to pack.

"well, your idea is the same as mine. I eat the same way. If you don't eat, you don't eat. If you want to eat, choose the best."

Haitong tasted the porridge cooked by Zhan Yin again and thought it tasted good. She smiled and said, "Mr. Zhan, I didn't expect you to have the potential to be a chef."

Zhan Yin doesn't answer.

after both husband and wife were full, Zhan Yin suddenly said, "Haitong, don't get even with your brother-in-law for the time being."


"you have to ask your sister whether she wants to live with your brother-in-law or not." If the couple are going to live on, and you are a sister-in-law, don't go to your brother-in-law for the purpose of teaching a lesson. Of course, you can't pretend that nothing has ever happened. You must always ask. "

"although you and your sister have a good relationship, your sister has lived with her brother-in-law all her life. If you make a scene, teach them how to live a life." Or if the couple get back together, you, as a sister, will become a villain, and your sister will blame you for lecturing your brother-in-law. "

Zhan Yin also married Haitong for the first time, and he had no experience in managing the marriage, but he had heard of some couples whose families took the lead after a fight, so that the couple could no longer live on. When they got divorced, the woman blamed them instead.

because the woman didn't think about divorce.

Hai Tong paused when he wanted to clip Phoenix feet. What Zhan Yin said was not very good, but it made some sense.

her sister did talk about divorce, but now she didn't mention it openly, and I don't know if her sister can really make up her mind to divorce.

with her temper, when she gets even with Zhou Honglin, she may start to teach Zhou Honglin a lesson and really hurt Zhou Honglin. Will her sister be distressedt agree with your thinking and what you say. ""are you hurt You haven't lost any hair, but my daughter went in! "Haitong sneered: "that's what I know how to defend myself. What your daughter does is i...