Chapter 1195

n Xiaojun: " You husband and wife are going to pull strings for me ""he mentioned it to me like this, and I heard him say that the man's condition is pretty good. If you want to meet, I'll ask him to...Chapter 1195

Ning Siqi could not see her brother's kindness to her. When his brother was in primary school, his mother asked his mother to send his brother to a closed school, thus reducing his brother's time at home.

even so, her younger brother is still very kind to her.

her younger brother, who is nine years younger, always blames herself for her illness when he stayed at school. He didn't know that he could not urge her parents to take her to the hospital, which made her blind in the end.

in that home, Ning Yunchu only felt the warmth from his relatives from his younger brother.

Zhan Yichen listened to Ning Yunchu say the most heartbreaking words in a calm tone, and inexplicably felt heartache for her.

maybe he knew from the beginning that his grandmother had chosen his wife for him.

Zhan Yichen sees that Ning Yunchu treats her as his own woman.

"it will come a long way."

Zhan Yichen said warmly.

Ning Yunchu smiled at him. "Erxiao doesn't have to feel sorry for me. They are not good to me. At least they have raised me so big."

although, they almost killed her once.

"have you picked out the flowers you want to buy"

Ning Yunchu changed the subject.

she doesn't know Zhan Yichen and doesn't want to talk about her personal affairs with him.

"I'll send you to work. Please send me a bouquet of flowers."

Ning Yunchu: ".

she didn't expect Zhan Yichen to ask her for a bouquet of flowers in return.

she hasn't sent bouquets to the opposite sex yet.

after thinking about it, Ning Yun began to take those bouquets and prepare to wrap a bouquet of flowers for Zhan Yichen.

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"I want red roses with bouquets full of stars."

after the first silence, Ning Yun said, "Master Zhan, it's not appropriate for me to send you a bouquet of roses."

"my sister-in-law bought a bunch of roses from you and gave them to my eldest brother, and my eldest brother showed them in front of me."

"so the second young master asked me to send you a bouquet of roses and show them"

Zhan Yi Chen asked her, "No way"

she is his wife's choice, and it is almost impossible to marry her.

when a wife sends her husband a bouquet of roses for a show in the company, it can also invisibly help her repel her romantic rival.

the second young master of his war family also has a lot of admirers, but like his eldest brother, he never pays attention to those admirers, does not accept, does not promise, and loves himself.

Grandma said that if it is not on the premise of marriage, ask them not to provoke girls and hurt others.

Brothers are very cautious about love.

"the second young master wants to show his love. When the second young master has a girlfriend or wife, come to my store and buy a bunch of roses and go back to the company to show them."

Zhan Yichen smiled, "well, I asked too much. Miss Ning can match it at will, as long as it's not a bouquet to go to the grave."

Ning Yunchu: ".

she matched him with a bunch of flowers according to her idea, wrapped them up, and handed them to him.

Zhan Yichen never sent flowers to girls. He didn't know the words of those flowers. He only knew that roses represented love.ll not talk about it. It is purely her wishful thinking.but she and Junran are in love with each other, and they are a good match. As a result, they are still blocked by their mother.she used to like...