Chapter 947: Unnecessary

herself dressed up. "I want to be the most beautiful princess today!""hee hee, Sanbao is the most beautiful princess!" Feng Qianxue hugged her and said, "all right, you go.""Don't disturb Mommy today...Night Thunder personally told Mama Rong to clean up the room for Leng Qianxue, and specially ordered them to prepare the guest room for cold indifference.

when Mama Rong heard that Leng Qianxue was going to stay, she was very happy and immediately asked someone to prepare the room.

Niu Ma and the servants went to clean up happily, and the attendants also helped to prepare.

after all, Leng Qianxue saved them from Night Zhenyun last time, and they always kept it in mind.

in an instant, the atmosphere at home became lively.

the servants' attendants were as busy as if they were going to do a wedding.

it's just that A Chao ran in weakly and asked Ye Hui, "Brother Hui, that eagle has been hovering on the roof, always rushing in, what can I do"

they all know that this is the pet of Leng Qianxue. They can't fight or catch it, but they don't dare to let it in, otherwise the old servants won't be scared to death.


"put it in." Lengbing happened to pass by.

"isn't that good" Ye Hui frowned and said, "what if someone gets hurt"

"Don't be afraid. Without Miss Leng's orders, Sibao won't hurt people easily." Said coldly and haughtily, "unless that person wants to be taught a lesson!"



suddenly, the eagle gave a cry outside.

"Ah -"

the doctors of the Ling family were so scared that they almost rolled down the stairs.

Ling Yun also looks pale and frightened.

"this, this is scary." An old servant said nervously, "do you really want to keep it in the house"

"will you bite me" Another little maid was also trembling with fear. "Miss Feng used to raise a parrot, but now she is actually a nursing eagle." Whoa, whoa. "

"you saw it." Ye Hui pointed to the maids and said, "if you haven't come in, you've scared people like this. If you let them in, how can they live" Let's get it back. "

"No." Leng Bing insisted, "Miss Leng brought it here specially. How can you put it back"


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"Sibao!" Ye Hui was about to speak when suddenly Chen Chen shouted to the outside and then whistled again.


the eagle flapped its wings and flew in like a sharp arrow, blowing a fierce cold wind wherever it went.

several maids screamed in horror.

the female doctors of the Ling family fled in fear, as if the eagle was coming to attack them.

the night glow turned back vigilantly, about to be protected, but the eagle skimmed over his head, flew over and landed on Chen Chen's shoulder.

after all, the eagle had some weight, and Chen Chen's weakened shoulder was weighed down by it, but his little face was cold and arrogant, and ordered: "be good, do you know"

"goo goo!" The eagle gave a meek cry.

"good boy." Chen Chen touched its wings, turned to Lengbing and said, "Bing Bing sister, Sibao will live in my room. Please ask someone to send his food over."

"Yes, young master." Smile coldly and nod.

"Granny Rong, Grandma Niu, Sister Zhizhi, don't be afraid. Sibao is my pet. It won't hurt you." Chen Chen soothed the maids.

"Oh, oh!" Rong Ma, they nodded again and again.

Chen took the eagle straight back to his room, and everyone was stunned. I still remember that not long ago, the eagle broke into the night house for the first time and almost hurt Chen Chen.

I didn't expect to be tamed by him so soon and become his pet!

"Little Master Chen is really good." The maid Zhizhi sighed from the bottom of her heart.

"since it is young master Chen's pet, we are not afraid." Mother Rong was satisfied. "cut a piece of beef later and send it to the eagle."


the servants continued to be busy again.

Ye Hui saw that the maids were not afraid, so they stopped interfering.

Leng Bing went to tell the bodyguards to go back and get their luggage.

everyone is busy, but the Ling family seems to be superfluous.donate.but because she's really, really, in love with him!perhaps this delicate feeling has long been hidden in the bottom of my heart, but with the healing of the injury, those good memories graduall...