Chapter 916: Let me show you the truth

out his arm again, but Xiao Yueyue hugged her more tightly, and her little face rubbed her face against his arm.Night Thunder's brow frowned tightly and looked at the saliva on his arm in disgust.the..."what did you say"

Leng Di Feng squinted his eyes, and the little green snake on his wrist felt his pulse speeding up, and the murderous spirit in his eyes was even more ready to move.

"Daddy, what did you say Sanbao she. "

Chenchen opened his eyes wide in amazement and looked at the night thunder unbelievably.

"is Sanbao poisoned" Leng Qianxue asked excitedly, "what on earth is going on"

"Sanbao is in the intensive care unit now." Night Thunder fiercely pointed to Leng Di Feng, "the hospital just found out that that kind of poison is extracted from the snake, not you, who is it"


Leng Qianxue exploded with a bang in his head and turned to look at the little green snake in the hand of Leng Emperor.

she knows that Leng Difeng is good at refining poison, especially snake venom.


"so, that's me" Leng Difeng smiled coldly and ridiculously, "that's interesting!"

"No..." Leng Bing hurriedly explained, "my husband is open and aboveboard. Even if he wants to be honest, he won't do it from behind, let alone poison him. Moreover, he likes his three children so much. How is it possible"

"shut up!!" Leng Difeng interrupted Leng Bing and stared at Night Thunder. "Night Thunder, since you said I poisoned your child, I'll show you now!"

"Brother, don't..."

before Leng Qianxue finished his words, Leng Di Feng released the little green snake on his wrist.

Little Green Snake flies to Chen with a whoosh.

Chen Chen opened his eyes wide in amazement, and his clear eyes were full of horror.


Leng Qianxue rushed over to protect Chen Chen. At this critical moment, Ye Zhen Ting pushed her away and grabbed the little green snake.

"Zi -"

with a strange noise, the little green snake bit the tiger's mouth of the night thunder, and the next second, he was strangled to death by the night thrill.

"is that all you got"

Night Thunder shook off the body of Little Green Snake and rushed to attack Lengdi Wind, but he felt a burst of dizziness in his head and his vision became blurred in an instant.

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"Night Thunder, don't move!" Leng Qianxue shouted anxiously, "the more you move, the faster the toxicity will occur."

"Daddy." Chen Chen hurriedly held the night thrill and roared excitedly at Leng Di Feng, "you are a bad man, why do you want to hurt my daddy" Why "

as he roared, he burst into tears, his clear eyes filled with tears.

Leng Di Feng looked at Chen Chen with a moment of panic in his eyes, but soon became cold again: "because he wronged me!"

then he sneered and asked Night Thunder, "see" That's what I poisoned. "

"you." The whole person fell to the ground before the night thunder began to speak.

Leng Qianxue rushed to live in the night thrill, anxiously praying for Leng Di Feng: "Brother, give him the antidote, please!"

"are you crazy" Leng Difeng frowned and glared at her. "have you forgotten what he did to you before"

"Brother." Leng Qianxue still wants to speak. Leng Difeng has turned away and said without looking back, "Let him roll at once!"

"bring me my medicine." Leng Qianxue whispered to Leng Bing, "go."

"Miss Leng, are you crazy That's the medicine for your life. "

"I told you to get it." Leng Qianxue drank anxiously, but he didn't dare to be too loud.

Leng Bing had to go to her room to get a bottle of potion, hurried downstairs and gave it to Leng Qianxue.

Leng Qianxue fed Ye Zhen Ting to drink the potion when there was the sound of a car outside.

Leng Qianxue immediately helped the night thunder to go out, and Chen Chen was there to help.

"the baby stays."

there is another sound in the room.

Leng Qianxue and Chen Chen looked at each other and gave the night thunder to the night army who came in a hurry.

when the night army saw that the night thunderbolt was injured, everyone immediately pulled out the gun.

"he won't die, but if you shoot here, none of them can escape." Leng Qianxue anxiously urged, "go quickly, take him to the hospital!""then go ahead and have dinner with Mommy." Chen Chen took another look at the cold snow.Leng Qianxue did not break out. In front of her children, she has been generous, elegant and indifferent.if you...