Chapter 902-Get lost as far as you can

would be met by Night Thunder again.and Night Thunder's bodyguards soon found out the truth and wanted to drive him out of he Wenzhe tried to mix up to the 68th floor to plead with Night..."then go ahead and have dinner with Mommy." Chen Chen took another look at the cold snow.

Leng Qianxue did not break out. In front of her children, she has been generous, elegant and indifferent.

if you want to fight and kill, you should go back and talk about it!

"OK, Daddy will see you later."

Night Throne cast a grateful look at Chen Chen and went to his seat.

Ling Yun follows the night thrill like a weak and dependent little woman.

I get angry when I look at them like this.

A Hai looked up at indifference and bowed his head hurriedly.

Night Hui glanced at Leng Bing and lowered his eyes again, but he was calm, but a little worried.

"Mommy, this place seems to be full of seafood and western food. There should be no Sichuan food and barbecue for Erbao and Sanbao, right" Chen Chen intended to break this awkward atmosphere.

"Yes, I asked my boss to arrange it."

Leng Qianxue made a gesture, and Lengbing immediately went to tell the boss to serve the meal.

"what would you like to eat, Dabao" Asked Leng Qianxue.

"I want to eat dumplings." Chen Chen acted coquettish with Mommy, "the dumplings made by Mommy used to be very delicious. I don't know how the dumplings are made in this house."

"then I'll pack it for you myself." Leng Qianxue immediately said, "but I haven't made dumplings for a long time. If it's not delicious, you don't mind."

"of course not." Chen Chen was very happy. "as long as it's dumplings made by Mommy, I love to eat them!"

"I also want to eat dumplings made by Mommy." Longlong was a little excited. "I haven't eaten for a long time. I still remember the taste when I was a child."... "

"me too, me too." Yueyue licked her lips and leaned over her little face. "Mommy, look, I'm drooling."

"Ha ha."

Leng Qianxue kissed the moon, pinched the dragon's little face, and rubbed Chen's little head.

Night Thunder's attention has always been on Leng Qianxue and the children. He hasn't seen such a happy and warm picture for a long time.

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"good, you play here, Mommy goes to the kitchen to prepare dumplings."

Leng Qianxue rolled up his sleeves and went to the kitchen. He said to his boss, "prepare dumpling skins and lean meat. I want to make dumplings."

"Miss Leng, there is really no dumpling skin. There is flour. Can I make it now"

the boss asked cautiously.

"all right, get ready." Leng Qianxue urged.

"Yes. Yes." The boss immediately asked the cook to prepare.


"Thunder, Thunder, Thunder!"

Ling Fengxiao shouted three times before Night Thunder withdrew his attention from Leng Qianxue and turned to look at him. "Hmm"

"Why don't we go somewhere else"

Ling Fengxiao feels that if it goes on like this, it will be impossible to talk things over.

"in fact, it's no big deal. I asked you here today to talk about the press conference." Night Zhenting glanced at his watch, "there is still some time, you order first."

then he got up and left.

Ling Fengxiao frowned as she watched him walk towards the kitchen.


Leng Qianxue is learning to knead noodles with the cook in the kitchen, with flour all over his face and nose. In this way, he has removed his usual arrogance and added a few more fireworks.

Night Thunder leaned against the door and looked at her gently.

"Night, Night Manager..." The restaurant owner respectfully greeted him.

Leng Qianxue looked back and frowned at him: "what are you doing here"

"I want to talk to you." Night Thunder walked up to her and said, "about the baby."

before he finished, Leng Qianxue suddenly grabbed a kitchen knife and put it on his neck. He raised his eyebrow and shouted angrily: "Night Thunder, because the child is here, I can't move you. You'd better take your lover right away and roll as far as you can. Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to control my hand!"other. Although they were again embarrassed, they had no choice but to follow the orders of Leng Qianxue.indifference immediately changed direction and quickly drove to the mercy hospital.Leng Qianxue...