One Piece Chapter 843 Discussion Thread

ong." Tianya interrupted her, pretending to be sad, "Don't say these things, it's boring.""Sorry." Kim Yun-hee changed the subject. "did you really break up with Miss Leng""divorced, don't you think"w...Mid-levels North.

Leng Qianxue, wearing a comfortable white dress and a plain face, leaned lazily on the sofa with a tablet in her hand, reading the files of her three children.

she has been watching it for hours, flipping through every photo, every video, every text introduction, every word.

time goes by little by little, from late night to dawn.

Leng Qianxue had a sleepless night, seemingly calm, but her eyes were as deep and complex as the sea.

"Miss Leng, Gao Ting is here." Lengbing personally picked up Gao Ting.

Leng Qianxue finally took his eyes off the tablet, sat up straight, and said, "ask her to come in!"


Gao Ting walked in cowardly, looking very nervous, even a little nervous.

however, when she saw Leng Qianxue, she was stupefied for a moment, and then that kind of unease turned into shock: "Sister Qianxue" You are what they call the master "

"Don't be afraid, no one will hurt you." Leng Qianxue looked at Gao Ting and her eyes softened unconsciously. "are you all right" Did they embarrass you "

"you mean Night Manager They didn't embarrass me, but they locked me up in a villa with Qiu Bobo and were released last night. " Gao Ting looked at Leng Qianxue nervously and asked tentatively, "are you really the Qianxue sister I know"

"what No " Cold snow raises the corners of the lips.

"looks exactly the same, but temperament, speech and behavior …" Gao Ting looked at her timidly and said carefully, "and the eyes are completely different!"

"what was I like before" Leng Qianxue is curious.

"in the past, you loved to cry, laugh and talk, and your eyes were full of aura." When Gao Ting talked about the wind and snow in the past, she couldn't help smiling. "the first time we met was at a party, when I was bullied and my hand was hurt. My boss forced me to perform on stage, and you helped me."

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"what happens next" Leng Qianxue is very interested in the past.

"then you put on my clothes, put on your mask and play on the stage." Gao Ting said that the past, still full of gratitude, "because I got a job opportunity, life began to take a turn for the better, but because the hand injury has not healed, I can not play the piano, had to go to work at night …"...

later, I met you on the subway. At that time, you lost your job and your life was very difficult. You asked me to introduce you to work, and I introduced you to play the piano. But then I found out that you couldn't play the piano, so you went to work at night with me. "

at this point, Gao Ting asked cautiously, "Don't you remember all these things"

"unexpectedly, I have worked at night. No wonder I feel familiar there." Leng Qianxue muttered to himself, "what else do you know"

"I." Gao Ting was on her guard. "Sister Qianxue, why did you change your last name" Where's Mama Zhu "

she wondered whether the cold-tempered, lofty woman she knew was really the wind and snow she knew.

"my mother's surname is Leng, so I changed her surname." Leng Qianxue smiled and said, "it doesn't matter. I'll have someone send you back when you believe me."

"Sorry." Gao Ting was ashamed. "I was also scared by the people at night, so I am very careful what I do now." I sincerely hope that you are sister Qianxue, at least it means that my sister Qianxue is still alive and has not been killed. "

Gao Ting's voice choked a little when she said the latter sentence.

"getting killed" Cold Qianxue suddenly frowned, "what do you mean" Someone hurt me at that time "

Gao Ting glanced at her and bowed her head hurriedly, not daring to say anything.

the Feng Qianxue she knows has never had such a terrible expression and that herPrince William shook all over and subconsciously turned his head to look.Hua Xiaofu, dressed in black and wearing a mask, came in slowly from the outside.behind her, two black men were p...