One Piece Chapter 827 Discussion Thread

ary. He always remembers mommy and mother-in-law, never forgets it, and always reminds Longlong and Yueyue."Mommy, mother-in-law, mother-in-law!"Little Sibao flapped his wings and shouted.for a moment...Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and the silly bird, Xiao Sibao, finally began to take off again.

now it's his turn to act.

"drink water!" Chen Chen opened a bottle of water and handed it to Ah Kai.

"Thank you, young master." Ah Kai took a few drinks, put them aside, and continued to drive.

"Brother Kai, how long have you been driving" Chen Chen stared at the back of Ah Kai.

Seven years. Kai replied with a smile, "I was driving when I got my driver's license at the age of 18. Although I haven't been driving for many years, I have a lot of mileage because I drive too much."

"so it should be instinctive to brake in an emergency" Chen Chen asked again.

"of course, we are all strictly trained. Even if we are shot, we will park the car first to ensure the safety of the owner."

as he spoke, Kai felt that something was wrong, and he suddenly felt dizzy.

"very good." Chen Chen's lips evoke a faint smile.

"is it." Kai glanced at the bottle of water next to him and opened his eyes wide in surprise. "Little young master, you …"... "

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you. My little Sibao flew away. I'm just going to find Xiao Sibao." Chen Chen said while carrying a small schoolbag, "pull over and have a sleep in the car."

A Kai shook his confused head and took out his cell phone, ready to call his companion, but his hand softened, and then he leaned softly against the seat.

the car swayed forward, and at the critical moment, Kai slammed on the brakes.

Chen climbed into the passenger car, turned off the engine in gear, and then got out of the car with a small schoolbag on his back.

this is the closest place to the north of the Mid-levels, because I explored the route last time, and it is more convenient to find it this time.

Chen followed his mobile phone navigation and ran quickly to the north of the Mid-levels.

in the middle of running, he found that the camera in his mobile phone had captured the Mid-levels North Villa, the yard was empty, the car in front of the door was gone, the doors and windows were locked, and there was no one around.

Chen Chen paused and frowned and stared at his mobile phone. What happened Even if the owner is not at home, there are usually female bodyguards stationed, and two cars will be parked for backup at any time.

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Why is there nothing today

are those women gone

Chen was puzzled, but now that he had come out, he wanted to find out the situation, so he continued to run to the north of the mountain.

meanwhile, in another villa, Leng Qianxue is sitting at his desk dealing with papers.

Leng Bing hurried to report: "Miss Leng, as you expected, someone broke into the villa in the north of the mountain."

"the Night Family" Leng Qianxue did not lift her eyelids.

"is a child." Leng Bing said, "about six or seven years old."

Leng Qianxue froze for a moment, turned on the computer to check, originally installed a lot of cameras outside the villa, but the night before she left, she asked people to add some miniature monitors within three kilometers of the villa.

as long as someone is near the Mid-levels North Villa, they will find it. Sure enough, in the camera, a cool-dressed little boy runs north of the Mid-levels with a small schoolbag on his back. He wears a black watch on his wrist, which shines blue all the time. It seems to have a navigation function to guide his route.

at the same time, he also has a mobile phone in his hand, glancing at it from time to time, probably watching something.

Leng Qianxue took a closer look and found their recent situation in the middle of the mountain on their mobile phone.

it seems that that phone also has a monitoring function.

such a young child should use such a high-tech product.

however, this is not important, the important thing is that Leng Qianxue looks at this small figure, not only will not feel disgusted, but there is an indescribable sense of intimacy.

"who is this kid" Leng Qianxue stared at the little figure.

"I don't know yet. I let indifference look into it." Leng Bing said, "it is really strange that this child appears on the mountain alone at the age of six or seven, without an adult to accompany him." dawn.her family was startled when she came in covered in blood.Dr. Hua immediately took the bullet for her, treated her wound, and then told her, "have a good rest!"Mama Rong asked nervously, "Miss L...