One Piece Chapter 785 Discussion Thread

my exclusive night boss, unexpectedly want to attend the nemesis's wedding""when my nemesis, they are not worthy of each other." Night Thunder disdainfully said, "but this wedding, my nemesis will in..."Why are you so nosy" Night Thunder is a little impatient, "do you want to go"

"all right, let's go." When the Duke of Louis saw that he lost his temper, he could only compromise. "but we'd like to talk to you about the project."

"Let's talk on your side."

Night Thunder forcibly pushed them both out.

Ye Hui hurriedly asked people to close the door of the House of Lords.

behind, A Chao and A Kai, who were entangled by A Hai, rushed out and saw only a car speeding away.

"I told you, it's Duke Louis and his girlfriend. Why are you two so nosy" A Hai made an excuse.

"it's weird." Although they were confused, they dared not say anything more.

"go back and get some rest."

"Night boss, when you go to the Chinese villa with us, don't you leave your girlfriend alone in the empty room" Leng Qianxue mocked.

Night Thunder said nothing but looked at her coldly.

"nothing, he'll be back in a minute." Prince Louis hastened to get round. "We're just talking for a while, and it won't take long."

"that's true." Cold Qianxue raised the corners of her lips. "it's less than ten o'clock now, so I won't delay my rest."

"are you jealous" Night Thunder suddenly approached her, her eyes as ambiguous as fire, "if you want, I can stay with you."

"you." Cold Qianxue's face suddenly blushed to the root of the ear.

"Thunder, what are you doing" Prince Louis hurriedly squeezed among them, furious between them. "Don't do anything, Qianxue is my man."

"really" The night thunderbolt raised his eyebrows and looked at the cold snow.

"what's that got to do with you" Leng Qianxue glared at him.

"of course it matters." Night Thunder deliberately flirted with her, "I have a crush on you!"

"." The Duke of Louis was shocked. "really"

Leng Qianxue also froze and suspected that he had heard wrong.

"think about it." Night Thunder pushed away the Duke of Louis and approached Leng Qianxue bit by bit. "I know you better than Louis!"

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"Thunder, you."

"are you kidding me" Cold Qianxue frowned and glared at him doubtfully. "how can you like me"

"Oh!" Night Zhenting smiled and asked

"if you don't like you, how can you get the South China Sea"

"if I don't like you, how can I tolerate your provocations everywhere"

"if I didn't like you and you lost that night, how could I let you go Do you really think an eagle can stop me "

"if I don't like you, how can I rush to save you"

"if you don't like you and you bring your pet eagle to my house to challenge you, I will kill you on the spot."

"if you didn't like you and you instigated Louis to do a lot of things behind his back, I would have kicked you out, and now it's your turn to be cynical to me here"

words, Leng Qianxue was speechless.

the Duke of Louis was even more stunned.

in front, the indifferent palms of the driver are sweating.

the cold brow on the copilot frowned as if it were facing an archenemy.

and the night glow behind, without saying a word, just looked at the host with deep meaning.

he knew that Night Thunder had a showdown so quickly, first because he was worried that the Duke of Louis would get there first.

second, he was worried that Leng Qianxue would have a great impact on Night if he went on like this. At that time, he would not do it either, and he would have to do it, so it would be troublesome.

"Thunder, are you kidding me" The Duke of Louis finally realized it and said excitedly, "Don't you already have a girlfriend" How can you like Qianxue "

"that's not a girlfriend." Night thunderous light explanation.

"ridiculous!" Leng Qianxue was a little exasperated. "Night Thunder, don't think that you can kick me out with this mischievous way. I've called Louis with all my resident funds, this project." Whoo. "

before she had finished her words, Night Thunder suddenly clasped her head and kissed her hard.o did not speak English very clearly two years ago."Louis, you don't seem to know her very well" Night Thunder looked deeply at Leng Qianxue and said bluntly, "she is the second shareholder of the Len...