Chapter 768: Dabao and Eagle

t guest. He is very impressed with you." White Dew added, "at that time, I ordered him for you, spent 20 thousand yuan, and sent you to the hotel. That is, that night, you were pregnant with three evi...Chen looked up and saw an eagle soaring in the sky. That posture, without its usual vigor and sharpness, became out of control, as if it were …...

Chen was thinking wildly when the eagle suddenly pounced on him, like an arrow off the string, extremely fast.

Chen was so scared that he turned around and ran away, running away with all his strength.

but how can a human cub run better than a flying eagle

soon, the eagle caught up.

Chen's foot tripped over a stone and fell to the ground with a plump. He immediately used his hands and feet and tried to get up.

but the eagle has come waving its wings and is about to prey on the Chen.

at this critical moment, the eagle suddenly swept over the head of Chen Chen, fell to the ground out of balance, fell a few somersaults, and then fell off the hill.

Chen was lying on the ground, his little body trembling with fear.

for a long time, he finally came to his senses and looked up around him.

the eagle is gone!

only a few blood-stained feathers fell to the ground, gently stirred by the breeze.

Chen recalled the sound just now, then looked at the long trace in front of him, and instantly understood--

the eagle was injured. He was in a test flight, suddenly found him, and immediately attacked him, but at the critical moment he lost his strength, fell, and fell down the hillside.

Chen quickly got up from the ground and went to the hillside to have a look.

the eagle fell, fell on a big rock, lost a lot of blood, and is now shaking its wings.

Chen Chen took out binoculars from his small schoolbag and saw that the eagle was still wearing Mommy's black and gold wedding ring on its feet.

Chen immediately installed binoculars and climbed down the side ramp bit by bit.

although the eagle was badly hurt, Chen Chen was still a little scared. He picked up a small stone and threw it beside the eagle.

the eagle's wings moved, but he could not stand up, and even the sharp eyes became weak.

Chen Chen breathed a sigh of relief, picked up a stick by the side of the road and approached the eagle carefully.

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with one meter left, the eagle suddenly flapped its wings.

"Ah -" Chenchen screamed in horror and fell back again and again.

however, when he calmed down, he found that the eagle was still lying in the same place, and it had no attack except for the movement of its right wing.

Chen breathed a sigh of relief, leaned over again, and patiently said to the eagle, "Brother Eagle, don't worry, as long as you don't hurt me, I won't hurt you. I just want Mommy's ring back."

the eagle, not knowing if he understood what he said, lay there motionless, staring at him coldly.

"that ring..." Chen Chen pointed to his feet and explained again, "it's my mommy's. You have to give it back to me, do you understand"

the eagle still stared at him with a cold look.

Chen tried to get close, but the eagle didn't move. No matter how close he was, he tried to pick up the ring with a stick.

at this moment, the eagle's wings flapped and made a ferocious howling sound.

seems to say that Tiger Luo Pingyang was bullied by dogs.

my eagle landed here, and I can't be bullied by you, a little human cub.

Xiao Chen's stick was fanned off and his hands were scratched. He stepped back a few steps back and dared not come any closer.

it seems that the eagle is not dizzy, and it is impossible to get the ring back.

Chen gritted his teeth and picked up a stone to throw at the eagle. As long as he knocked the bad eagle unconscious, he could get Mommy's ring back.

however, when he approached with a stone, he could not bear to see the injured wings of the eagle and the slowly bleeding blood.

does this eagle have a mommy, too

his mommy will be distressed and sad to see him like this.

if I didn't knock it out, but smashed it to death, wouldn't I have become an eagle killer

thinking of this, Chen Chen put down the stone.r smiled bitterly, "in fact, these classes are too easy for you. You don't need me to take classes now. You can understand it by looking at the courseware. It seems to be more difficult.""wait for Dad...