One Piece Chapter 718 Discussion Thread

time than before, so you should make good use of it." The old man Ye said earnestly and earnestly, "my grandson has a hard mouth and a soft heart, but he looks cold on the surface, but he is very infa..."Oh, that's right."

Night Throne nodded, saying nothing more, just sitting on the sofa in a haughty position and tasting the wine elegantly.

the dance steps of the beautiful woman in the red dress gradually approached the Duke of Louis, her eyes were like fire, and with a wave of her delicate hand, the tulle fell on the face of the Duke of Louis with a voluptuous fragrance.

Prince Louis stared at her, his heart almost beating out.

he had a throbbing throat and could not help swallowing.

Night Throne glanced at him, winking quietly like the night glow.

the night glow left quietly at once.

the girl in the red dress continued to dance, with breasts and thin waist and electric buttocks, and every inch of her body breath revealed an attractive breath.

also approached the Duke of Louis step by step, then turned gracefully and threw himself into the arms of the Duke of Louis.

the Duke of Louis was shocked and froze, his eyes fell on her beautiful face, and he could no longer take his eyes away.

the beautiful woman in the red dress put her hand around the neck of the Duke of Louis, and her warm red lips slowly approached him, swept vaguely across his cheek, clung to his ear, and gently bit his earlobe.

the Duke of Louis shuddered, trembling nervously, and his hands clasped her waist subconsciously.

the girl's slender hand gently brushed his chest, slowly down, stopped at his key parts, and then left him a sultry look, then floated away.

"Ah." Prince Louis let out a subconscious cry, but the beautiful woman was determined to leave.

that group of girls in white dress also left with them, like dancing butterflies, they disappeared instantly.

Prince Louis stared at the door of the box, then recovered for a while, hurriedly pulled the night thrill and asked, "Why are they gone"

"I say I want to make arrangements, but if you say no, people naturally want to go." Night Thunder said helplessly, "after all, there are other tasks."... "

"Task What kind of mission " Asked Prince Louis hastily.

"besides you, there are many people waiting to see her dance." Night Thunder said faintly, "that is the most recent top card of the night!"

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"call her back, I have it all." Prince Louis blurted out.

"Hmm What do you pack " The night thundered and frowned.

"it is, it is." Prince Louis hesitated, his face flushed.

"are you sure, I arranged it" Night Thunder asked in his spare time, "look at your shy look, you can't be a virgin, are you"

"of course not." Prince Louis blushed with shame. "I talked about my girlfriend!"

"Oh." Night Thunder nodded, "then why are you hypocritical" Men should be decisive! "

"I am very decisive." Prince Louis panicked. "call her back."

Night Thunder made a gesture, A Hai went to arrange it right away, and after a while, the girl in the red dress floated in.

"enjoy!" Night Thunder put down his glass and got up and left.

"Ai!" Prince Louis tugged at his clothes. "are you leaving"

"is it difficult to watch the game here" The night thrill raised eyebrows and smiled bitterly, "Don't worry, she won't eat you, have fun …"... "

as he ripped off his clothes and strode away.

the entourage followed, leaving the box for the Duke of Louis and the girl.

when the door closed, the girl walked up to the Duke of Louis, her lips slightly open, her eyes silky and her voice so delicate that she was about to drip water: "Duke of Louis, my name is Red smoke."

"Red, Red smoke, Hello!" Prince Louis trembled with nervousness. "you, you dance very well."... "

"is it only good to dance"

the girl pounced on him like a wildcat and sat on top of him. At the door of

, seeing the night thrill of this scene and the evil arc of his lips, he knew that the aristocratic son of Louis, who had never seen anything, could not withstand such temptation.

"Night King, Miss Leng is here!"e night house and did not pay attention to it. "it should go home by itself. Let's save Dabao first. Come on!""Yes.".at the same time, Longlong and Yueyue were startled by the cry of the eagle and hur...