Miss Leng has a bad temper

ked about it again, he could let her go first, and then he would think of a way to turn this matter into a minor matter.but she offered to confront Ling long face to face.isn't this a death wishLing l...Night Thunder is changing his clothes when his cell phone receives a text message. He thinks it's probably some kind of spam message, but ignores it.

"Night King, they are going downstairs!" The night glow hurriedly came to report.

"so soon" Night Thunder immediately put on shoes, "watch watch."

"Oh." Ye Hui hurriedly handed him the watch.

Night Throne put on his shoes and walked downstairs while wearing a watch, at a very fast pace.

the night glow hurriedly followed.

when he walked out of the villa door, Night Thunder slowed down again, acting calm and calm, pretending to go downstairs at a leisurely pace.

Leng Qianxue wore a white breast-wrapped evening dress with long loose hair and an all-diamond necklace, as holy and noble as the goddess, suffocating in beauty!

two female attendants opened the door and Leng Qianxue was about to get on the bus.

"what a coincidence!" Night Zhen Ting pretended to be indifferent to say hello to Leng Qianxue.

Leng Qianxue looked back at him, smiled, said nothing, and got into the car directly.

"King of the Night!" The night glow opened the door.

Night Thunder also got on the bus, frowning and looking unhappy.

"take your time. It takes patience to chase girls."

Night Hui thought he was hitting a nail, so he was unhappy.

"what kind of clothes"

Night Thunder didn't finish his words, but his face was already very pale.

in the past, he wanted to have a purpose in the dress of the wind and snow. Even if some dresses were wrapped around the chest, they would add lace tulle, or only a small part of the shoulders were exposed, while the dress that Leng Qianxue was wearing just now was really …...

is so sexy!

"er." Ye Hui is a little speechless. Well, he only now knows why the Night King is angry.

my wife is naturally upset when she is seen by others.

but I'm not sure whether she is your wife or not.

Ballroom, magnificent, luxurious crystal chandelier exudes gorgeous brilliance.

Romantic light music echoes in every corner of the hall, with businessmen dressed up and whispering elegantly with red wine or champagne.

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the arrival of Leng Qianxue immediately attracted everyone's attention, everyone's eyes fell on her, and some people tried to respectfully greet: "Miss Leng!"

Leng Qianxue nodded with a smile.

immediately, others also eagerly greeted: "good evening, Miss Leng!"

"Nice to meet you, Miss Leng!" Someone came up and tried to shake her hand.

the return of Leng Qianxue's smile is generous and elegant, with a variety of manners.

this is the first time she appeared at a public party. Everyone had seen her temper before and dared not get close to her. Now when they see her so elegant and generous, they all take the initiative and enthusiasm to get to know her.

the atmosphere of the scene suddenly became lively, and everyone's attention was focused on Leng Qianxue, including Ling long!

Ling long was dumbfounded when he saw the wind and snow.

isn't this, isn't it the wind and snow

isn't she dead How did

end up here

Ling long, pale with fear, took a glass of red wine from the waiter and drank it, trying to calm himself.

Don't panic, don't panic, maybe you just look alike.

"what is the origin of this Miss Leng" The two businessmen next to them talked in a low voice.

"it is said that she is my husband's sister and Leng's second largest shareholder."

"are you so good at a young age"

"it's really impressive. It is said that as soon as she appeared on the stage yesterday, this Miss Leng forced Yeshi to seize the waters of the South China Sea at a high price of 30 billion. She was really young and promising, and she looked like a talented person!"

"Yes, the key is still so beautiful!"

"you should be careful what you say. This cold lady has a bad temper and challenged the night manager in the parking lot today."

"huh Dare to provoke even at night Are you serious "

"of course it's true. I saw it with my own eyes."

"then I have to hide a little bit."

hearing these words, Ling long wondered even more, how could Feng Qianxue become a cold family He is also Leng's second largest shareholder, with such a big background

.Leng Qianxue.but at that time, he was still speechless with pain, so he could only say a few simple words.now, he closes his eyes and silently suffers severe pain."Night boss, today's treatment is ove...