Chapter 669-Let her die completely

erstand the law. If she comes, what if she is bullied by this shrewd and cunning grandfatherso let's talk to him."Ha ha ha, interesting!" The old man smiled. "then what do you say I should pay for it"...Night drove to the airport like crazy. At the moment, his eyes turned crimson and almost bled.

he kept saying in his heart: "Qianxue, wait for me, wait for me, I will be here soon."

in order to let Lingyun replace the wind and snow, the old man personally drugged the night thunder and locked him in his basement.

he slept for three days and three nights, and by the time he woke up, everything was done!

all traces of the wind and snow have been transformed into Lingyun and announced to the public.

Night Thunder was furious when he heard the news, but he was locked up and couldn't get out and couldn't change anything.

the old man locked him up until now, ready to send her to another place completely unknown to Night Thunder after Feng Qianxue took the last bottle of antidote tomorrow, and then let it out.

but I never thought that something would have happened before tomorrow!

Night Thunder managed to escape, immediately grabbed a bodyguard's cell phone, contacted Ye Jun Ye Hui, and learned that Feng Qianxue had an accident, he immediately hijacked a car and rushed to the airport like crazy.

at the same time, the old man Ye and his men rushed to the airport in a hurry.

he hopes to stop the storm until night, so that nothing will happen.

and Nakamori also contacted the people in Bangkok, Thailand, and sent them to Chiang Mai to protect Feng Qianxue.

it's a pity that it's too late.

the ambulance where Wind Qianxue is located was hit from the side by a cruise SUV two kilometers from the hospital.

with a loud bang, the ambulance crashed into a telephone pole on the side of the road, overturned and fell, the car gave a "beep" alarm, and the paramedics in the car scrambled out.

Po climbed out of the window and pulled the unconscious wind and snow.

not far away, Ling long in the cruise SUV pointed his cell phone camera at the ambulance and said to the person in the video call, "did you see it"

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"the night family will be here soon. Make sure the wind and snow are dead!"

Night Zhenyun on the other end of the phone gave an urgent order.

"got it." Ling long made a gesture.

several black bodyguards got out of the car, bang

"Ah -" Po raised his hands in horror and screamed, "Don't kill me, don't kill me, I don't know anything, I don't know anything."

"bang!" At the sound of a gunshot, Po fell in a pool of blood.

is crisp and not sloppy at all.

Ling long walked slowly in the rain with a mobile phone in one hand and a gun in the other, staring coldly at the wind and snow in the pool of blood.

the wedding dress on Feng Qianxue has been completely stained with blood, and Rain Water and muddy water wash the cold body like a dead body.

Ling long kicked her in the head, squatted down and slapped Feng Qianxue in the face with a gun: "Hey, wake up, it's no fun."

"do it!" The night Zhenyun on the other end of the phone gritted his teeth and drank angrily.

"what's the hurry"

among the people who pinched the wind and snow, Ling long wants the wind and snow to wake up, and she wants to see the wind and snow begging for mercy, so that she can have pleasure.

"Ling long, do it!" Night Zhenyun eagerly ordered, "do you want to die"

Ling long was a little impatient, so he hung up the phone directly, stood up, and kicked the wind and snow a few times.

finally, the wind and snow moved.

"that's right." Ling long kicked the wind and snow gently with his feet in black leather boots. "Wind and snow, look at me!"

Feng Qianxue slowly opened her eyes and looked at Ling long through a blurred line of sight, and the hatred gradually appeared in her eyes.

"well, that's the look I want." Ling long smiled excitedly and pointed his gun at the wind and snow. "Please me, maybe I can make you die faster!" out. I hurt his men in order to find my baby, smashed his car and turned over the window to escape.""now his people are looking for me everywhere, and if they find me back, they will inevitably have...