Chapter 2336-Finale 5

y jumped into the arms of the wind and snow and said excitedly, "Mommy, I miss you so much. I'm afraid I'll never see you again.""silly Dabao, mommy has to protect you when you grow up." Wind Qianxue...Leng Difeng saw the real high EQ from Night Thunder. He always thought that the so-called high EQ was to please others and be afraid of other people's feelings. He always scoffed at it and disdained it.

but now he knows that high EQ can sometimes do a lot of things that can't be done with power, status and money, such as getting close to children, coaxing a good wife, and having a family reunion!

Night Thunder once said that family needs to be managed. No matter what social status you are and how capable you are, family will always be your most important and precious thing.

Family and everything is prosperous, this sentence seems to be ordinary, but now, Leng Di Feng really understands …...

as long as the family is reunited and harmonious, he will have the mind to do other things.

perhaps, the fulfillment of life lies in this.

Leng Difeng showed off all the way home, Hua Xiaofu tried to escape on the way, in fact, it is not without a chance, with her present ability, there is no problem to escape alone, but it is too difficult to run away with a child.

unless she can really give up her children, she can only compromise.

was coaxed home by Leng Difeng and her three children. Hua Xiaofu knew that she had been fooled, but she was actually willing to do it. In any case, Leng Difeng can be recognized by the children in such a short time, which is what she did not think of and what touched her most.

even though he is still a little uneasy, seeing that the children are attached to Leng Di Feng, all the worries in Hua Xiaofu's heart can only be dispelled.

Yes, children need a mother as well as a father.

she has no right to deprive them of their right to fatherly love.

continue to be stubborn, it will make the children have something missing, for the sake of the children, she can only choose to compromise.

this is the reason she found for herself.

when Leng Difeng threw her on the bed, she warned ferociously: "Leng Difeng, I warn you, I came back for the baby, don't think I still like you, what are you doing, why are you undressing me Hey, hey. Whoo. "

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the room was full of spring. Outside, three little ones staggered downstairs and sighed like a big man, "Daddy and Mommy are like children. What a worry!"

"Yes, especially Mommy, alas."

"anyway, Mommy is finally home, and she will be able to drink the snake soup she didn't buy!"

"I haven't had a drink for a long time. I'm greedy."

"is the meal ready, mother-in-law"

three children shouted downstairs.

"all right, I'll have someone bring it to the restaurant right away. Be good, don't run around, your mother-in-law will pick you up."

Nora hurriedly ran upstairs to pick up the three children, but the children returned to knock on the door. "Daddy and Mommy, it's time for dinner!"

"Daddy and Mommy, dinner is ready!"

"Daddy and Mommy."

"Oh, oh, oh!" Nora hurriedly stopped the children. "Honey, stop it. Daddy and Mommy are busy. Mother-in-law will take you downstairs for dinner."

"what are Mom and Dad up to"

tilted his head one by one and asked curiously.

"this." Nora didn't know how to answer for a moment.

"they are busy making brothers and sisters for you." Leng Xiao suddenly said, "do you like it"

"huh Give birth again " Erer frowned with a nerve-racking face, "there are so many children in the family, are they still alive"

"that is, plus Brother Chen, Brother long long, and Sister Yueyue, we already have six children. If we are reborn, we can open a kindergarten at home!"

"well, that sounds good, too. Let's start a kindergarten at home."

"Yes, aunts and uncles seem to be having a baby, too."

"grown-ups are so troublesome that they let us worry about it."

"that's it!"must have something to do with the Leng family.""that's right.""call the thunderstorm. That's our night doctor. There will be no problem.""Yes, make a phone call."several directors are in favor of the...