Chapter 585: The Ghost Remains

ll right."the thunderstorm said nothing more, just looked at the wound on the face of Feng Qianxue and looked very dignified.sure enough.when she told Night Thunder what had happened tonight, her face..."what Have you met an acquaintance "

has been with the night thunder for a long time, Feng Qianxue already knows him very well, and she can understand what he means with a look and a gesture.

"sort of." The night thrill sat on the seat with the wind and a thousand snow in his arms.

the doctor helped the children to sit on it, and Xiao Sibao also had his own place.

the restaurant manager came to serve with the waiter, respectfully and warmly.

Night Thunder was ordering when the night glow hurried over and whispered in his ear that his brow frowned slightly and said nothing but made a gesture.

immediately, Ye Hui quickly arranged for twelve gold-medal bodyguards to guard outside with high vigilance, leaving six people in the restaurant.

this situation makes me feel uneasy when I see the wind and snow.

although Ye Zhen Ting usually looks big in the company, but when he is with his family, he is still very low-key, but tonight this situation is obviously a bit exaggerated.

"Daddy, what happened" Chen Chen is also aware of something.

"nothing." Night Thunder touched his head and said gently, "there is a children's area over there. Take my brother and sister to play for a while. I'll call you when the appetizer comes up."

"mm-hmm." Chen nodded and said to Longlong and Yueyue, "two treasures and three treasures, let's go over there and play on the slide."

"all right."

the three children slid down from their chairs and ran to the children's area next to them with short legs.

three paramedics and several four bodyguards followed the guard, almost inseparable, very cautious.

"what's going on" Asked Feng Qianxue nervously.

"it's my aunt's yacht." The night thunderous frown.

"Huh" The wind and snow were stunned, and the three days she was kidnapped were the scariest shadows in her life. I still feel creepy in retrospect.

moreover, the woman gave her an injection, and the toxicity remained in her body, like a ticking time bomb.

I didn't think it was enough, and now that woman is haunted like a ghost.

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"Don't worry, I'm here." Night Thunder clasped the hand of the wind and snow.

"Let's go back." Feng Qianxue now has no appetite. "I don't want to eat anymore."

"Don't be nervous. I'm here. What are you afraid of" Night Zhenting took her by the shoulder and said, "besides, the children haven't eaten yet, and now they will spoil the fun when they go back suddenly."

hearing this, Feng Qianxue compromised. She looked back and saw a yacht parked by the sea through the spotless glass wall. The hull of the yacht was engraved with a red one, which is the symbol of night Zhenyun.

the unique sign of the night house, the night thunder is golden, and the night cloud is as red as blood.

Feng Qianxue hates that woman when she thinks of the toxicity in her body.

"Don't be paranoid." Night Thunder touches the face of the wind and snow, "with me, no one can hurt you or the child!"

"mm-hmm." The wind and snow nodded absent-mindedly.

at this time, the waiter brought the appetizers, and the children immediately washed their hands and ran over to eat, but the night thunder stopped them.

Ye Hui took out professional equipment and tested every piece of food, which made them feel at ease to eat.

the children used to be in high spirits, but now they are a little frightened by such a fuss.

Dragon looked around and asked carefully, "Daddy, what's wrong" Is anyone going to poison us "

"No, just look for bugs in it." Night Thunder rubbed his hair. "all right, you can eat."

although he said so, the children dared not move.

Night Thunder tasted a little before they picked up the cutlery and began to eat.

after all, the children are still young. Although they were scared just now, they did not pay too much attention to them. They were soon attracted by the delicious food and began to eat in big mouthfuls.

but Feng Qianxue has no appetite. She just feels that if the matter of that woman is not solved, I am afraid she will never be able to live in peace with the night thunder.s, just like replacing Qiao Qinghai.Qiao Haiqing stood up and bowed and apologized to the night thunder: "Sorry, I have eyes but no pearls. Please give me your hand."after saying this, he bowed to Lin...