Download Chapter 581

y still has a fried noodle to cook." Feng Qianxue brought a fruit salad to the table, looked up at the night and smiled, "go and change your clothes.""mm-hmm." Night Thunder smiled and nodded. He felt..."the Night Manager has customized three dresses for you to wear at the wedding, as well as three sets of jewelry and three pairs of shoes!" The designer smiled and said, "May I introduce you"

"of course." Feng Qianxue smiled and nodded. "Ma Rong, take them to the cloakroom. I'll be right over."

"Yes, miss." Rong Ma took a party to the cloakroom of the wind and snow.

Night Thunder specially vacates the guest room next door, creating an oversized cloakroom for Feng Qianxue, as well as a special fitting table and jewelry room.

"didn't you say you want to go back to the countryside Why did you customize your dress again " Zhu Ma asked inexplicably.

"I don't know." Feng Qianxue frowned, "it is said to wear at the wedding, I did not say to attend the wedding"

was thinking that the night thrill called and said, "has the dress been delivered"

"mm-hmm." Wind Qianxue responded, "how to customize my dress" Also said to attend the wedding, whose wedding "

"Si Haoxuan and Chu Zihan." The night thunderous answers.

"Huh" Feng Qianxue was very surprised. "when did I say I was going to attend their wedding"

"just go with me." Night Thunder gently coaxed her.

"are you going" Wind Qianxue is even more shocked, "always high above, only my exclusive night boss, unexpectedly want to attend the nemesis's wedding"

"when my nemesis, they are not worthy of each other." Night Thunder disdainfully said, "but this wedding, my nemesis will indeed appear, which is why I want to go."

"Huh" Wind Qianxue more and more curious, "you really have a sworn enemy, who is it"

"I'll talk to you when I get back tonight." The greetings of the shareholders came from the other end of the phone, "after tomorrow's wedding, you will go back to your hometown to worship your ancestors."

"all right." The wind and snow can only promise, "you are busy first, come back in the evening and say."


when Feng Qianxue hung up the phone, Feng Qianxue said to Zhu Ma, "Don't pack up yet. I have to accompany him to the wedding tomorrow before leaving."

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who is getting married Zhu Ma asked curiously.

"Si Haoxuan and Chu Zihan." Feng Qianxue frowned and said, "it seems that the wedding date has moved up again. I can't wait."

"Oh, Mr. Si used to be fine, but why is it like this now" Zhu Ma sighed deeply.

"Life is fickle." Wind Qianxue helpless wry smile, "I went to try on clothes, you have a rest."


Feng Qianxue came to the cloakroom, and the designers had hung up their dresses and waited for her.

Feng Qianxue tried on three sets of dresses, all very beautiful, and finally chose a white slim fishtail dress with pearl necklaces and earrings, holy and noble, simple and elegant!

designers and assistants were full of praise, and Mama Rong and several maids were stunned.

Feng smiled a thousand smiles and thanked several designers, ready to change their clothes and leave.

at this time, the designers took out the tablet computer and asked her to choose the wedding dress, and said with a smile, "the night boss told us that the wedding dress must be designed by our boss himself."

the boss flew in from Italy next week to discuss the design of the wedding dress with you. Today, you can choose casually. Our boss just wants to see what you like.

and the dress of the young master and the princess, which was also designed by our boss himself, so we have to measure the size with the little master and princess today before we can go back. "

hearing these words, the wind and snow are stunned, and the night thunder has already begun to design the wedding dress Are you going to design dresses for the children is this the beginning of planning for the wedding

"early this morning, I was told by the young master to contact a famous British jeweler, saying that he would design jewelry and diamond rings for your wedding for Miss Feng." Mother Rong smiled and said, "our family is going to have a wedding soon."

"Great." The maids applauded happily.

the wind and snow raised the corners of the lips, but could not laugh. shoulder and whispered, "but I am a grown man, and I know the difference between right and wrong."(adsbygoogle = indo.adsbygoogle | | []). Ush ({});"you are too simple, you don't understand." Night T...