Chapter 579: The Pain of Having a Child

then I want to be a flower girl.""me too, me too." Long long was so excited that he almost jumped up. "I also want to invite my kindergarten classmates to attend my parents' wedding.""Great, I'd like..."come on, do you take me for a pig"

Feng Qianxue was very panicked. During this period of time, she was with Night Thunder. She was almost unrestrained in that respect, and she had no awareness of contraception. Now she thinks that her period has been postponed for ten days this month and hasn't come yet.

is not really hit, is it


she is now extremely poisonous and in crisis. If she is pregnant at this time, she must not be able to keep her baby.

"how nice, Chen Chen, Dragon and Moon will be very happy." Night thrilling eyes full of expectation, "Grandpa knows, will be happy to blossom, will never stop me from marrying you!"

"do you treat people as fertility machines at night" The wind and snow suddenly became hot and angrily drank, "you just care about having fun. Do you know how dangerous and painful it is to have children"

"." The night was shocked, and his brow frowned. "how can I lose my temper again"

"good end Why is it all right " The voice of the wind and snow choked, "I almost bled to death when I gave birth to Dabao, Erbao and Sanbao, do you know"

"you don't know anything and get three healthy and lively children all at once. Do you know how we used to get here"

"I'm pregnant with triplets, and my stomach is about to explode like a balloon. I can't eat and sleep well every day. I wrestle when I walk. When the children were born, they were less than four pounds, and they were almost gone."

at this point, Feng Qianxue burst into tears. "especially Sanbao, after several episodes of shock, the doctor said that she could not save it. Fortunately, she was lucky to survive."

"you see that Mama Zhu and I will spoil her very much because she has been in poor health since childhood and is particularly prone to illness. When she was one year old, she also had a serious illness and almost couldn't get it back."

"Why would I sell that sapphire necklace that my daddy left me cheaply" Just to cure her. "

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"all right, I got it." Night Thunder heard these words, feeling very guilty, hurriedly coaxed her, "Sorry, I, I ignored these …"... "

"you're right. By the time I met them, they were more than three years old, healthy, smart and cute, but I forgot how you brought them up all these years."

"I will pay attention to it in the future. If you don't want to have children, I will pay attention to the measures."

Night Throne is a little cautious, like a child who makes a mistake.

Feng Qianxue saw him like this, and a little soft-hearted, reached out and hugged him: "I'm sorry, I've been emotionally unstable lately, and I've always lost my temper at you."

"understandable." Night Thunder stroked her hair. "but it's really scary. Don't be angry next time. Anger is bad for your health. If there's anything wrong, just tell me, will you"

"mm-hmm." The wind and snow nodded again and again and suddenly mentioned, "I want to live in the country for a few days."

"what" Night thunderous frown, "good end, how to go back to the countryside"

"it's the anniversary of my father's death in a few days. I want to pay homage to him and visit our former hometown." Feng Qianxue found an excuse, "Dad used to worry about my life, since you have already planned to marry me, I will naturally go and tell him."

"good." Night Thunder was persuaded, "I'll go with you."

"No, I'll just go with Mama Zhu." Feng Qianxue hurriedly said, "you can take care of the children at home. They like you very much. Take advantage of this opportunity, you can get along with them more."

in addition, I am not at home, you can better communicate with the pops and deal with those worries. When you are done, the pops will be out of the hospital, I will probably be back. "

"it will take at least a month for Don to be discharged from the hospital." Night Thunder frowned, "are you going for a month" I can't do that. "ing past the mountain road not far away.the quiet night, the open mountains, those sounds are always very clear.the bodyguard asked in surprise: "they have gone up the mountain, it seems that they wil...