Chapter 565: Reversal

Night Thunder saw the crux of the problem at a glance, saying to Leng Qianxue,"later, under the obstruction of Zhang Xiaodong, Gao Ting ran away, and they found that Zhang Xiaodong had a special relat..."who wants you son of a bitch"

the old man of the night paused before he finished his words, frowned and looked at the night thunder questioningly. "what did you just say"

"I'm getting old and my ears are bad." Night thrill shook his head and sighed.

"Daddy, Grandpa's ears are fine." The moon beeped her mouth and said with a milky voice.

"Yueyue, what do you call him" The old man at night was stunned.

"Daddy." The moon tilted her head and answered earnestly.

"what, what on earth is going on" The old man of the night looked at the moon and the night thunder. "son of a bitch, why don't you talk to me"

"Grandpa, no, now I'm going to call him great-grandpa." Chen Chen smiled and said to the old man at night, "he is our daddy, we are daddy's children, in the future, we can't call you grandpa, we want to call great-grandpa."

"Yes!" Long long nodded, "Dad's grandfather's name is great-grandfather."

the old man of the night was stunned, opened his eyes wide in amazement, and was stunned in the same place. It took him a while to regain his mind and said impatiently, "what is this with" Night thunder, you come here. "

the children pouted their mouths, stood aside, gave up their seats to Daddy, and whispered in the corner-

"Why can't Grandpa understand what I'm saying"

"maybe we didn't make it clear enough"

"well, we're still in a small kindergarten class, and it's normal that we can't express clearly, so let Daddy explain."

"We will be promoted to the middle class next year, so we should improve our expression skills."

"Yes, read more and recite more, so that you can exercise your expression ability."



as soon as the night thrill approached, the old man angrily slapped him on the arm.

but the Don is sick, has no strength, and plays softly.

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"tell me, what the heck is going on" The old man Ye exclaimed angrily, "Yamamori said," I was touched when you helped me take care of the children during my illness.

thinking about you son of a bitch, I finally have a conscience and know that I care about them, so take good care of them and make me feel happier when I wake up.

I didn't expect you to teach your children to call you daddy Are you out of your mind "

"are you done cursing" Night Thunder does not retort, wait for the Don to scold, and then take out a test sheet, "after scolding, take a look at this."

"what the heck is this" The old man Ye took it and was dumbfounded. "this, this is …"... "

"they are my children, the real thing." Night Thunder solemnly announced, "if you don't believe it, you can check it again!"

this time, the old man of the night was completely stunned, stuck in the same place, his eyes full of disbelief.

"Oh, young master, don't stimulate the old man at first. You'll scare him out of his heart attack later." Nakamori watched anxiously. "Grandpa, what the young master said is true. The three little grandsons you love most are the children of the young master, and they are the great-grandchildren of your immediate relatives."

"Don't lie to me, you old thing." The old man of the night was so excited that he took him by the hand and confirmed once again, "Don't play pranks with me, son of a bitch. I can't stand the stimulation."

"Why are you so pretentious" Night Thunder is a little unbearable, "I have revealed the test results, do you not believe me" Why don't you check it again on the spot now "

"Test for what" Yueyue opened her eyes wide open.

"you are so stupid. I understand you all. Let's see if we are daddy's children." Longlong frowned and looked unhappy.

"it hurts a lot to draw blood in the test." Chen Chen remembered that he had been drawn blood last time, and he still had some lingering fears. looked at him with his eyes wide open and dared not speak."it would be wrong of you to say so."the Duchess pushed the door and came in to back up Louis-"although you and Qianxue have been together be...