Chapter 524-I am Their Father

dly, "do you want to get pregnant and have a miscarriage again"Feng Qianxue immediately took the pill and swallowed it, then Gollum drank a few mouthfuls of water.Night Throne made a phone call and dr..."Chen."


"month, month, month..."

A group of children shouted the names of their three babies, twittering and causing a headache in the night.

the night thrill squinted his eyes and an inborn Lingran overbearing poured out.

the children stopped at once and dared not come any closer.

A little girl with a ponytail burst into tears with a cry of "wow".

"Don't be afraid of Duoduo, he's not a bad guy." The moon shook her short legs and motioned to Thunder to put her down. Then she ran to appease her and said, "he is me."

"I'm their father!"

Night Thunder suddenly opened his mouth and interrupted Yueyue's words.

the title "Mommy's boyfriend" is too bad to be promoted in kindergarten.

he still feels that he should admit his identity bravely and generously.

anyway, this identity will last a lifetime and will never change!

the three children were stunned and watched the night thunder in disbelief.

although they have accepted Night Zhenting as Mommy's boyfriend, they also begin to like him and are willing to play with him, but …


this identity is too sudden for them!

Chen Chen stared at the night thunder, looking very stunned, his clever little head seemed to be running at full speed, analyzing the authenticity of this sentence!

long long Leng Leng looked at the night thunder, a blank face, he thought he heard wrong, or, the night uncle wants to let them have face in front of his classmates, deliberately said so

Yueyue's little mouth is big and her eyes are wide open. She looks at the night thunder with amazement on her face. She can hardly believe her ears.

all the children looked at the night thrill with an expression of amazement, because the three babies had never seen their father since they were in kindergarten, and even they didn't know who their father was!

Why is there a father popping up today

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is still so tall, so fierce, so. So. Terrible!

and those teachers, doctors and nurses are all stunned!

this is the third big news for them so far today.

the first one is Night Thunder personally sent Sanbao to kindergarten.

the second one is to learn that Night Thunder is the boyfriend of Feng Qianxue.

the third one, Mommy's boyfriend, directly becomes a father.

fortunately there is no media around, otherwise the news would have shocked the world and caused an uproar.

"Daddy, Daddy, Hiccup"

Xiao Sibao was so drunk that he suddenly gave a cry in the arms of the dragon.

this sound brought the three babies to reality.

Chen collected his thoughts and said politely, "Uncle Night, please put me down."

Night Thunder put him down, and the moment the father and son looked at each other, their eyes were a little flustered and nervous.

Chen fell to the ground, watched the night thunder nervously, and then bowed politely: "Uncle Night, thank you for sending us to school!"

"well, thank you!"

long long and Yueyue hurriedly followed Chen to say thank you.

in their minds, except mommy and mother-in-law, Dabao did everything right, and they will naturally follow Dabao's pace.

"Thank you for the gifts for my classmates and teachers, too." Chen Chen said politely and politely, "if you are busy with your work, it will not waste your time!"

Night Zhen Ting looked at Chen Chen's mature appearance and felt a little ashamed. He should not have said this sentence on such an occasion on impulse.

he should discuss it with Feng Qianxue, and then tell the children openly about the causes and consequences, or at least give them a psychological acceptance process.

however, the words have been spoken out, and it is no use regretting now.

"OK, I'll go first."

the night thrill squatted down to hug the three children, but the children naturally retreated and dared not come near. turned around in a hurry and asked what was going on with the thunderstorm.the thunderstorm dared not say it was because of Leng Qianxue. We can only say that the Night King answered a phone call and...