Chapter 521: Chapter 521

);"colleagues booed and she let me treat.""nonsense." Night thunderous cold drink, "get out at once.""huh Are you here so soon " The debt-paying duck was a little frustrated. "Let someone take his pla...after a while, Xiao Sibao drank up the whole glass of wine, burped, and comfortably poured into the cup to sleep.

"Little four Treasures!" Dragon twisted the little Sibao out and dumped it, trying to get rid of the wine on it.

Xiao Sibao looks a little dizzy, his little red tongue sticking out and his eyes dripping about.

"Erbao, put it down." The moon slid down from the sofa, ran over with short legs, and took away the little Sibao with fierce milk. "you can't dump it, it will get dizzy."

Moon still doesn't know what drunken people mean.

"all right." Dragon frowned and muttered angrily, "Girls are really troublesome."

Night Thunder hooked up his lips, pulled Longlong next to him and sat down: "tell me, what else do you like"

"I like guns." Longlong tilted his small head and said solemnly, "I also like airplanes, cars, ships." Anyway, I like everything a man likes, including a beautiful sister. "

"er." The night froze, "you are so young, you already like the beautiful sister"

"Yes." Long long's handsome face was full of pride. "I have three girlfriends in kindergarten."... "


Night Throne is hard to laugh or cry. He never knows that they still have such genes at night. From his father to him, they are all lovers.

however, it is said that the Don was very flirtatious when he was young.

"Doodle!" Just thinking, the cell phone rang, Ye Zhen Ting took a look, answered the phone, "Hello!"

"Night boss, I."

"Thunder, it's me." Ling long's voice came from the other end of the phone, feeling a little excited, "how long are you going to avoid me" Even if you have any ideas, why don't you make it clear to your face "

"I told you not to go to my company." The night frowned with displeasure.

"I had no choice but to call you. I didn't answer your phone, I didn't return my confidence, and I put my number on the blacklist. I can only call you from Wen Li's cell phone."

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"it's no use calling me. Everything will be decided when Grandpa wakes up."

after saying this, he hung up the phone directly and turned his head to look at the dragon in his arms.

he seemed a little scared, curled up and looked at him timidly.

"what's wrong" The thrill of the night stirred up the lips.

"you looked terrible just now." Dragon said weakly.

"well, when I deal with business, I do take it seriously." Night Thunder smiled, "only to the three of you, and your mommy, will be a different attitude."

"that's fine." Longlong breathed a sigh of relief, tilted his head and asked seriously, "so, are you Mommy's boyfriend"


Night Thunder heard this title, did not know how to answer, say yes, in fact, he is their father, say no, now not married, should be a boyfriend.

"it doesn't matter. Anyway, my stupid dad doesn't know whether he is dead or alive. If you can always be nice to Mommy, we can accept you."

Longlong said to himself, completely unaware, Night Throne's face changed.

"Daddy asshole" Night Thunder frowned and repeated the word, "what did your mommy say to you"

"Mommy never talks about Dad." On this topic, long long was a little sad. "We were laughed at in kindergarten. I went to ask my mother-in-law. My mother-in-law said excitedly that our stupid father was irresponsible."

although she soon changed her tune, I have already remembered that that person is not a good person, but Uncle Night, you are different. You are good to Mommy and good to us, and you are Grandpa's eldest grandson.

I've decided to accept you! "

Night Thunder was speechless. He felt that he should discuss it with Feng Qianxue as soon as possible, and then formally meet the children.e night glow hasn't shown up for more than half a month. No wonder you don't want to.""what is there to think about""haven't shown up for more than half a month" Leng Qianxue was suddenly stunned, loo...