Chapter 497 Reviews For 497

idence."the Night Army is very serious and non-negotiable.knowing that he had no choice now, Ling long frowned and said, "give me the computer."the night army winked.A Hai immediately took out a lapto..."Zhentian, thunderous, sunny."

the old man called out the name of his father, the name of his mother, and the name of his mother, but he did not call the name of Ye Zhenyun.

Nakamori looked at Ye Zhenyun awkwardly.

Night Zhenyun's face changed from amazement to disappointment, then to coldness, and at last, the corners of his lips evoked a mocking sneer.

she is not laughing at others, but at herself.

is still under the illusion that Don will really miss himself.

how ridiculous.

Night Thunder turned his face away and was silent.

from the time he was sensible, he felt that Don didn't like this aunt and was too hard on her and didn't have much warmth.

he once advised Grandpa, but for some reason, the Don got angry when he mentioned this topic.

he can only give up.

in fact, he once sympathized with his aunt because of this, but later his aunt became more and more crazy, so he stayed away from her.

originally, the well water did not interfere with the river water, until Duan Tianya grew up, his aunt began to plan for him, trying to compete for property and pave the way for his son.

it's a pity that Dian Tianya has no ambition. He only likes to squander money and play games.

because of this, the relationship between the two brothers is also good, in private, the night thrill helped him a lot.

I just didn't expect that last time Duan Tianya had a heart of thieves and thought about the wind and snow, which angered the night thunder.

also indirectly arouses the contradiction between nephews and nephews.

"Miss Yun, the ward can't stay too long." Yamamori whispered, "do you have anything to say to Don"

"of course there is." Night Zhenyun leaned to the bed and called softly, "Dad, Dad."

the old man of the night moved, as if he heard a sound.

"can you hear me" Night Zhenyun was overjoyed, "I am Zhenyun."

"Um." The old man of the night gave a low nasal sound and seemed to hear her words. His eyelids were blinking, but he could not open them all the time.

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"get better soon, I have some good news for you." Night Zhenyun's lips aroused an evil sneer and his eyes narrowed gloomily. "when you hear that, you will be very happy!"

Nightsen stooped to stand beside him, carefully guarding himself. He was afraid that Night Zhenyun would say something bad and deliberately stimulate the old man.

"all right." Night Zhenyun actually backed away and asked, "Uncle Sen, what did the doctor say" When will Dad wake up "

"the Don fell in the bathroom, so he was in a coma. The doctor said he needed to recuperate for a while, half a month as soon as possible, and maybe months if slow." Yamamori answered.

"I hope Dad wakes up soon." Night Zhenyun sighed, "Please take good care of him."

"of course." Yamori nodded hurriedly.

the night vibrates the cloud to thank, turns to leave.

Nakamori looks into the night thunder.

Night Thunder also feels strange, this woman, unexpectedly did not say anything, did not do anything

it's not like her.

Night Throne walked out of the ward.

Night Zhenyun has taken off his germ isolation clothes and wiped his hands seriously with sterilized wipes: "when your grandfather wakes up, remember to let me know that I will come to see him with Tianya."

"if you don't play tricks, I won't stop you." The night is blustery and light.

"Oh!" Night Zhenyun smiled coldly and squinted at him. "if you don't have a problem, other people can't play tricks even if they want to!"

as she clapped her hands and turned away, "take care, my good nephew!"

Night Thunder looked at her back and frowned slightly.

although Night Zhenyun didn't do anything today, he always felt uneasy and had a faint foreboding in his heart.

at this time, the cell phone rang and the thunderstorm called: "Night King, Miss Feng is awake!"

at the same time, the screams of panic came from the other end of the phone.

the night thrill was startled and hurried to the elevator.days that you dare to lay hands on your husband even though you are lawless."Night Thunder wiped his neck, his hands were covered with blood, and he gritted his teeth angrily. "when I'm done with what...