Chapter 38: The Child's Genes

that on purposeNight Thunder will not agree, will ithis coat and shoes are still in the room, and his supplies are in the bathroom.anyone who sees her now and the layout of the room can see her relat...seeing him like this, Feng Qianxue felt even more uncomfortable. She wanted to know why he married White Dew as soon as they broke up.

according to her knowledge of Si Haoxuan, he is not the kind of impulsive and reckless person, there must be some inside story.

maybe White Dew laid the groundwork a long time ago.

it's just that everything is now a foregone conclusion. White Dew is the wife of the company. They have children. What's the point of asking questions again

thinking of this, Feng Qianxue changed the subject and said, "Don't let your wife come to school to apologize. I don't want any more conflicts." In addition, if you can, transfer to your son, we will meet less, and there will be no more intersection. "

"I'll try to arrange it." Si Haoxuan nodded. "do you have any more requirements"

"how dare I ask of you" Feng Qianxue sneered at himself, "now I am just a pauper, you are the head of the company high above."... "


"Don't call me that." The wind and snow interrupted him and said coldly, "it's too close. There is no relationship between us. We should keep our distance in the future."

"do you still hate me" Si Haoxuan frowned and looked at her. "I know it was my family's fault, but I'm already trying to save it. Why can't you give me some time why did you do such a ridiculous thing"

speaking of this matter, his emotion was a little excited, and his eyes gradually turned red, which showed what a big blow it was to him.

"Yes, I was wrong." Feng Qianxue was filled with remorse, "wrong is wrong, so don't mention it again." Anyway, that's it. "

with that, she turned and left.

"Cher." Si Haoxuan took her hand and slipped her a check, "go to do some small business, don't work any more."

"Oh!" Feng Qianxue took the check and sneered sarcastically, "30 million, that's a lot of money. It seems that our memories are worth some money!"


"the money is good, but I don't want this handout!" Feng Qianxue stuffed the check back into his suit pocket. "We were all at fault at the beginning, and we should not hate each other. From now on, we go our separate ways, even if we encounter each other by chance."

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"are you blaming me for not recognizing you today" Si Haoxuan frowned, "the situation at that time."... "

"No, I don't blame you, and I have no right to blame you." Feng Qianxue smiled bitterly, "I understand that we have different identities now, so we should pay attention to the influence."

"then accept my help."

"I don't need it!"

"would you stop being so stubborn" Si Haoxuan was anxious. "how noble you used to be, how could you do such a lowly job" Besides, how much money can you earn in that job and can you support three children "

"how much money I earn is the value of my labor." Feng Qianxue exclaimed angrily, "even if one day I am so poor that I have nothing to eat, I will not ask your young master for help if I go to a nightclub to be a lady!"


"I don't need your care. Go back and give it to your wife."

Feng Qianxue shook off his hand and resolutely left.

Si Haoxuan looked at her back, his eyes full of frustration.

when he walked to the door, Feng Qianxue suddenly remembered something and said to him, "by the way, if you can, please help me keep the child's secret. I don't want outsiders to know the existence of the child for the time being."

"well, I know what to do." Si Haoxuan knew what she was thinking. "I will remind White Dew not to talk nonsense outside."

"you seem to know her very well."

Feng Qianxue smiled coldly and left quickly.

Si Haoxuan looked at her back and his eyes were gloomy.

Siyuan, a close entourage, walked in and sighed: "I didn't expect to see you for a few years, Miss Feng actually gave birth to three children. Alas, life is so unpredictable."

Si Haoxuan looked up and his eyes were cold and sharp.

Siyuan bowed his head in panic and dared not say any more.

"find out who the father is."

Si Haoxuan always thinks that the three children are genetically good, and their father should not be an ordinary countryman.l beat me, beat me to death.""any more nonsense and I'll throw you out."my aunt is in a bad mood and has a bad temper.Bai Haowei curled his mouth, held back the tears in his eyes, sucked his nose, sor...