Chapter 476: The Dialogue between Two Men

e, and her eyes were full of love. "did you have a good time today""Happy, Grandpa bought us a lot of delicious food, also bought a fairy tale castle, and, ah, Grandpa also bought the little apple."Yu..."er, this..." Yamamori was a little embarrassed and asked carefully, "Master, Dabao wants to talk to you for a few words, okay"

"what is there to talk about about a three-year-old child"

"Hello, hello!"

Night Thunder's disdainful words were interrupted by a childish and polite child's voice, who unwittingly replied, "Hello!"

"I am the eldest son of wind and snow." Chen Chen's voice is immature, but there is an innate momentum, "about my mommy, I want to have a man-to-man conversation with you!"

"Oh!" Night Thunder smiled and had to say that his anger was extinguished as soon as he heard the sound. "you, with me"

he feels naive in his heart. A three-and-a-half-year-old child wants to have an abnormal conversation between men with him.

it's hard for him to think about what the child is going to say to him.

"Yes, you and I." Chen Chen is very calm and calm.

"and me." Dragon suddenly interjected, "Dabao, I want to go, too!"

"I, I want to go too."

the cute little girl with cute milk also spoke. Listening to her voice, Ye Zhen Ting's mind would see the lovely look of her holding the bottle.

"Don't make trouble." Chen Chen shouted in a low voice, and then said to the night, "Sorry, Erbao and Sanbao are too worried about Mommy." Do you think eight o'clock this evening is all right "

"OK, I'll have Nakamori take you over."

Night Throne suddenly wanted to know what the three-and-a-half-year-old wanted to say to him.

"Thank you" Chen Chen handed the mobile phone to Yamori, "that night always has something to say to you."

Nakamori answered the phone, and Ye Zhenting said, "Uncle Sen, please send that kid over."

"OK, I'll arrange it right away."

hang up the phone, Yamori immediately said to Chen Chen, "Young Master Chen, I'll ask the doctor to change your clothes. I'll see you downstairs in half an hour."


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on the other side, the fury of the night has been extinguished by the voices of the children, and he begins to think calmly.

Night Zhenyun's purpose is to fight for the inheritance, and now he has all the initiative. At this time, Night Zhenyun dare not move the wind and snow.

tomorrow night, after receiving the wind and snow, he will first move her and the child to safety, and then he will slowly deal with the crazy woman of Night Thunder.

when he thought of this, Night Thunder immediately asked Ye Hui to arrange it.

it's about half an hour's drive, so Yamori came with Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen wears a small black suit. Although she is small, her waist is very straight, and her handsome face is full of responsibility and composure.

in the huge study, the cold-tone decoration makes the atmosphere seem a little serious.

Night Zhen Ting sat on the sofa, looking at the little child opposite, and suddenly felt inexplicably touched. He remembered that when he was six years old, he had negotiated with the old man Ye as he did now!

on that night, after a short exchange of more than ten minutes, the old man made sure that he would pass on the right of inheritance to him in the future.

and tonight, when he had a face-to-face negotiation with this three-and-a-half-year-old, other people's child, there was an inexplicable warm current in his heart.

"what can I get you to drink, little friend"

Ye Hui still remembers Chen Chen, when he was in kindergarten, the child was speechless with a few words.

"you can call me by my name, my name is Feng Qianchen!"

Chen looked up at him politely, but his eyes had a domineering and bold look similar to that of night thunder.

"all right." The night glow blushed and hurriedly changed her mouth, "the wind is small."... What would you like to drink, sir "

"No." Chen Chen turned to look at the night thunder, but said to the night glow, "can you avoid it for a moment" I'd like to talk to Mr. Night alone. "

"Uh..." The night glow turned to watch the night thunder.

Night Throne grinned and nodded slightly more questions, but just told me to take good care of you and wish you a speedy recovery. In fact, they know very well, everyone knows very well, but they are acting and feel so hypocritical. "Louis...