My Goddess Chapter 440 Ah!

Ling, what are you doing here"Miss Lingis it Ling YunLeng Qianxue was about to inquire when A Hai hung up the phone.hearing the blind voice on the phone, Leng Qianxue's brow frowned tightly and his f..."Yes." Feng Qianxue frowned and asked, "is there a problem"

"No." Ling Fengxiao shook her head again and again, and she seemed a little excited. "so, what's your mother's name"

"I don't seem to have to tell you."

my father taught Feng Qianxue from an early age not to tell others his mother's name.

although she didn't know why, her father repeatedly stressed that she had kept it in mind.

she knows that this matter is so important that every year only father and daughter celebrate their mother's birthday at home and dare not make it public.

so, she kept it a secret.

"I'm being rude." Ling Fengxiao bowed her head and apologized and left immediately.

Mama Zhu looked at his distant figure, frowned and said, "this man looks familiar. I seem to have seen him somewhere."

"he is Ling long's father." Feng Qianxue doesn't have a good impression on the Ling family.

at this time, the thunderstorm hurried to see the mess in the ward and exclaimed, "Oh, my God, how did this happen" I made a house call at the branch hospital today. I got a call and came here non-stop. I didn't expect it to be too late. "

she hurried over to check, "Miss Feng, Mama Zhu, are you all right"

"I'm fine. Please take care of the wound for Mama Zhu." Feng Qianxue held Zhu Ma and said that she was very distressed. "it's all hurt like this."

"Let me see." When the thunderstorm saw the wound, he frowned and immediately told the nurse, "bring the medical kit."

the doctor immediately brought something, and the thunderstorm personally helped Zhu Ma to deal with the injury.

Feng Qianxue watched, frowning furrowed.

at this time, her cell phone was ringing. It was night thunder. She was so angry that she hung up the phone directly.

Lei Yu took a look and was about to say something when her cell phone rang, and she answered hurriedly: "King of the Night!" Miss Feng is all right. Don't worry, Mr. Ling has taken Miss Ling away. " After the

confession, the phone hung up.

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thunderstorm took care of Zhu Ma's wound and appeased her to have a good rest, then went out with the wind and snow and explained, "I heard Ye Hui say that recently the Night King didn't talk to Miss Ling, didn't answer phone calls or text messages, and Miss Ling went to the company to block him, but he also avoided seeing him.

Miss Ling thought it was all because of you, so she went around to find out about you. Your home address was protected by the King of the Night. She couldn't find it, and somehow she found out that Mama Zhu was in hospital on my side, so she came here. "

"she should be furious at night. What do you want with me" The thought of wind and snow makes my stomach angry.

"Miss Ling has that temper." The thunderstorm was also speechless. "I am also responsible for this today. From now on, I will arrange security for Mama Zhu and will not let anyone disturb her again."

"it's none of your business. If the hospital is opened here, someone will always know about it, and you can't hide it." Feng Qianxue sighed, "in fact, it is the problem of night thunder, it is that he did not solve it."

"Don't blame him, actually he …"

"forget it, don't talk about it." Wind Qianxue is still angry at night, do not want to mention him, "I go to accompany Zhu Ma, you go busy."

"all right." Thunderstorm knew that some things were useless, so he changed the subject. "I have studied that Gao's mother's illness and made a targeted treatment plan."

from a personal standpoint, the effect should be better than that over there, but you still have to send the plan to your friend and let her consider whether or not to transfer to the hospital. "

"Great, thank you." The wind and snow said thank you again and again.

"I'll give you the plan later. In terms of fees, I will have some discounts here, but not much. Generally speaking, they are still more expensive than public hospitals, so you should remind your friends to think carefully."

"got it."

thunderstorm gave the treatment plan to Feng Qianxue. After Fengqianxue put it away, she went back to the ward to accompany Zhu Ma.

Mama Zhu was originally happy, but now she has a lot on her mind.thing.but she has seen big scenes and doesn't mind these little things."Thank you for your hard work."the night glow saluted her and turned to go upstairs.the thunderstorm put Dr. Helen in the car and...