Chapter 412 Reviews For 412

is the King of Rip in the market. Which company he wants to die, that company will not live till dawn!" And he acts ruthlessly and mercilessly, so you mustn't mess with him. ""all right, I see." Whit..."I didn't even know there was a mini-bar here."

Sister Hua was very surprised. She came to the night with Brother Dong. Although she was only a month old, she had already mastered the work very well.

is just this special box, she is afraid to come in privately, so she doesn't know that she has her own design.

"I." Wind Qianxue a little guilty, looked at the night thunderous glance, nervously replied, "I just found out."

Night Thunder is still checking his cell phone. It seems that there is some bad news. His face is not very good.

I haven't seen each other for half a month. He seems to have lost a little weight.

"you have nice eyes." Sister Hua said casually, "get ready, I'll open the wine."

"mm-hmm." Feng Qianxue took out two buckets of ice.

Sister Hua has opened the red wine and is ready to pour it into the sober.

"wait a minute." The wind and snow hurriedly stopped, "the sober first rolls with ice, and then pours the wine, the taste will be better."

"is that the same thing" Sister Hua lowered her voice.

"Yes." Ye Hui looked at the girl in front of her. She had a very good figure, but the dress was really tacky.

"give it to her." Ye Hui made a gesture.

Sister Hua gave the wine and the sober to Feng Qianxue.

Feng Qianxue squatted on the ground and began to sober up. First, he put a few pieces of ice into the sober, shaking gracefully and skillfully.

her wrist moves a lot, but the ice doesn't make any sound in the sober.

A minute later, she poured out the ice and slowly poured the wine along the edge of the sober. Finally, she rolled the night's goblet with a lighter, hit it with ice, and poured the wine.

this series of movements are very skillful.

"you have a good hand." Ye Hui was surprised, "where did you learn this"

"saw it on the Internet." The wind and snow held back their voices for fear that they might recognize them.

Night Thunder glanced up at her and continued to operate her phone.

obviously, he didn't recognize it.

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Feng Qianxue has a mixed mood, probably a mixture of joys and sorrows, but he doesn't recognize her because he hasn't seen her for half a month.

in the fairy tale castle before, he could recognize her wrapped up from top to bottom.

it seems that he has fallen in love with Ling long and forgot about her.

"stand down." The night light knows that the night thunder likes to be quiet.

Sister Hua bowed and walked away.

Feng Qianxue also saluted like her and left with her. How about

Is the problem of new technology products serious " Ye Hui asked gingerly.

"there should be no problem." Night Thunder frowned, "it should be that someone tampered with the program."

"the Night Army is already looking into it, and I believe there will be a result soon."

the night glow watched his face and handed him the glass.

Night Thunder took a sip of the wine and raised his eyebrow slightly: "it tastes good!"

"I'm surprised that an ordinary waiter knows how to sober up." Ye Hui said.

"maybe not an ordinary waiter." The night is blustery and light.

"Why" The night glow was surprised.

"not many people know that mini-bar." Night Thunder said something casually, and then he was slightly stunned, "ask her to come in!"

"Yes!" Ye Hui found Sister Hua. "bring me the waiter just now."

"what's wrong Did she do something wrong " Sister Hua asked hurriedly.

"No, she's a good sober. Ask her to come and serve." Ye Hui made an excuse.

"Yes, I'll find her right away." Sister Hua bowed her head and said respectfully, "she should go to the other side of the district. It may take a little time."


"all right."

Ye Zhen Ting tasted the wine thoughtfully, and Ye Hui whispered, "it can't be Miss Feng, is it" You just gave her 2 million yuan, so she wouldn't be reduced to this and come here as a waitress. "depends on the mood of Hua dare he offend her"well, you can tell the truth!"Hua Xiaofu glanced at him and began to fish out the pheasant in the pot to eat. . Sevenshe also made herself a ch...