Download Chapter 325

very day, which can be done by any reliable doctor."Hua Xiaofu is so anxious and eager to return that he doesn't want to care so much at all."Sister-in-law, can I send Xiaohua and my apprentice over h..."Oh, why are the night boss's clothes dirty" At this time, another doctor who was cleaning the house exclaimed, "what is this"

"Let me see." The little doctor leaned over and took a closer look. "if there is no mistake, it should be bird droppings."

"is it that little parrot's" Two doctors and nurses looked at the sleepy little Sibao in amazement.

"Yes, that's it." A doctor came out of the bathroom and said excitedly, "Last night I saw the little parrot pull a pile of feces on the shoulder of the night manager."... "

"is it." Several doctors and nurses looked at Xiao Sibao with sympathetic eyes.

Feng Qianxue was stunned and looked at Xiao Sibao blankly, and a thought flashed through his mind: Xiao Sibao, was strangled by the night thunder

Feng Qianxue softened and almost fell on the bed.

"Miss Feng." The little doctor immediately supported her and comforted her softly, "Don't be too sad. This little parrot is still breathing. Go to a veterinarian and maybe it can be saved."

"We have work to do, so let's go."

several doctors and nurses ran out in a hurry because they were nervous.

"wait for me." The little doctor also ran out, lest the wind and snow get angry and implicate them.

Feng Qianxue stayed in the room alone, looking at Xiao Sibao's dying appearance, and his heart was full of resentment against the night thunder.

what is well-intentioned, what is hard and soft-hearted, fake, it's all fake.

Xiao Sibao just took a ** on his shoulder, so he had to strangle Xiao Sibao mercilessly.

the devil, the devil!

Feng Qianxue thinks more and more excited, thinks more and more hates, wants to strangle him to death …

at the same time, she thought of another question: if Night Thunder could kill a parrot, would he do it to three children

the wind and snow shivered, and the whole person panicked.

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Night Zhen Ting thought that the three children were born to Chu Zi Mo, and she had a grudge for a long time. I'm afraid she would really kill the children.

when I think of this, Feng Qianxue is even more frightened and walks around the room anxiously.

at this time, she suddenly found that the door was open and unclosed. She immediately went to the door to watch. A female doctor was outside, talking on the phone.

the bodyguards of the night house, who do not know why, all hurried to one side.

taking advantage of this opportunity, Feng Qianxue slipped out quietly with Xiao Sibao. She ran to the elevator barefoot and had no time to put on her shoes.

the guard doctor reacted with hindsight and hurriedly shouted, "Oh, my God, Miss Feng."

Feng Qianxue rushed into the elevator and pressed the elevator button hurriedly.

at this time, two of the night's bodyguards also saw her and hurriedly chased her this way, but the elevator door was closed.

Feng Qianxue stared anxiously at the elevator numbers, hoping to get rid of the clutches of the night thunder.

it's a good thing she's on the fourth floor, and the elevator goes down soon.

the elevator door opened and she rushed out and ran out as fast as she could.

"Miss Wind -" the night's bodyguard shouted at the back.

Feng Qianxue ignored them at all. At this time, she just wanted to escape from the clutches of the night thunder.

the bodyguards are so agile that they are about to catch up with her.

Wind Qianxue was very anxious. Just here, a Lamborghini was parked by the side of the road, its convertible was open, and Chu Zimo on the cab shouted, "Qianxue, come on up!"

"Zi Mo" Wind Qianxue stopped and hesitated. She didn't want to involve Chu Zi Mo.

"get in the car." Chu Zimo was in a hurry, unfastened his seat belt and directly dragged the wind and snow into the car.

"Miss Feng." When the two bodyguards chased out, Lamborghini galloped away, and one of them saw Chu Zimo on the cab and said hurriedly, "call Brother Hui."looked at Leng Di Feng."do as she says." Leng Difeng orders."Yes."the dean quickly arranged it, but the attending doctor was a little uneasy: "Miss Hua, your right shoulder is injured. Can you hold th...