Chapter 312: Straight and straightforward?

r said nothing, but made a gesture to the bodyguard who followed him not far away.they stand down at once."are you still mad at me I'll never do that to you again." Wind Qianxue pull his sleeve, "Duck...speaking of this, the night old man's expression was extremely firm, and his eyes became complicated.

Yamori bowed his head and dared not say more.

everyone in the night knows that the old man's son and daughter-in-law died young, and that period of time was not only the pain in the old man's heart, but also the thorn in the heart of the night thrill.

so it has become a taboo at night!

No one dares to mention it but themselves.

because of that period of past events, the old man Ye was also very strict in controlling his feelings of anger at night.

Night Throne is 28 years old this year, and he hasn't officially talked about a girlfriend yet. because of this, he is slow and paranoid about his feelings.

not long ago, the old man Ye heard that a woman had appeared beside him, and he almost strangled his cousin for this woman, causing his aunt to retaliate.

so the Don immediately rushed to Haicheng and dealt with it himself.

even if you let him hold a grudge, Mr. Night must strictly control it and never let the tragedy happen again.

"Grandpa!" A delicate voice came.

Night the old man looked back and raised the corner of his mouth: "Ling long is coming!"

"Sorry, Grandpa, I'm a little late." Ling long, carrying two multi-layer thermal insulation lunch boxes, hurried over, "cooked vegetable porridge for you, fried a few small dishes, and made some snacks!"

"Thank you, you are such a sensible and good boy." The old man of the night praised.

"give it to me, Miss Ling, thanks for your hard work." Nomori took the thermos lunch box and inadvertently found that Ling long's two fingers had been bandaged up and hurriedly asked, "Miss Ling, what happened to your hand"

"nothing." Ling long hurriedly hid his hand behind him.

"Let me see." The old man of the night ordered.

"Grandpa." Ling long angrily beeped, "when cutting vegetables accidentally cut, a little injury, nothing."

"Don't cook by yourself next time." The old man Ye told me with concern, "Let the servant do it."

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"I want to cook a meal for Grandpa myself." Ling long said cleverly, "take it as my little filial piety!"

"good boy!" The old man nodded with relief. "I said long ago that it would be a wise choice for Ye Zhen Ting to marry you."

"this kind of thing can't be forced." Ling long sighed.

"what's wrong" The old man Ye saw that there was something in her words. "did he make you angry again"

"how dare I be angry with him" Ling long smiled bitterly. "I bought king crabs in the evening and wanted to cook dinner for him, but he hurriedly left with his car keys without even looking at me. I guess he went to find that woman."

"nonsense!" The old man Ye kept a straight face and was very angry. "Let's see how I can deal with him when I get back."

"Don't be angry, Grandpa." Ling long hurriedly coaxed, "the more you force him, the more rebellious he is, and maybe he will hate me in his heart. Let nature take its course."

"come on, I can handle it." The old man patted her on the back of her hand. "go back and have a rest. Thank you for dinner."

"Grandpa, don't be polite to me, you are more of an outsider." Ling long shook the old man's arm to act coquettish.

"all right, all right." The old man smiled and nodded and urged, "go back quickly."

"it's so late, aren't you going back" Ling long asked with concern, "did anyone die in that car accident" If not, leave it to the subordinate to deal with it. It doesn't matter if someone is killed. I'll call the traffic police department. There is no need for you to come forward in person for such a trivial matter. "

she almost blurted it out without thinking.

after saying this, I found that the old man Night frowned and his face sank.

Ling long suddenly realized his mistake and hastened to explain: "I mean. I. "

"come on, I know you're a straightforward kid." The old man interrupted her, "go back."

"Oh."ews, so he doesn't know anything about the recent public opinion."knock, knock!"at this moment, there was a slight knock on the door, "Sister indifference, are you there""mm-hmm." Hua Xiao Buddha resp...