Chapter 247-I Want You to Be Happy

n raised her eyebrows excitedly and rowed with her small hand, "the steamed buns she made are so big, as well as beef bone porridge, which is delicious …"... ""Wow, Grandpa makes his mouth water." The..."what are we talking about" Chu Zimo was in a hurry. "four years ago, I was not there when you had an accident, but now I am here. No matter what happens to you, I will certainly help you!"

"Thank you, Zimo." Feng Qianxue is very grateful, "but I am now. I. "

she thought about it, plucked up her courage and said, "I have a boyfriend now. He will take care of me!"

"." Chu Zimo froze, and it was only half a sound that he came back, "boyfriend"

the news came like a bolt from the blue to him.

he has only been back for a few days. On the first day, he saw the ambiguous news about Feng Qianxue and Si Haoxuan. On the third day, he learned that Feng Qianxue had a child and was almost kidnapped. Now, she told him that she had a boyfriend.

"Yes." Feng Qianxue bowed his head and dared not look at him. "Zimo, I'm really sorry. I don't know what to say. Anyway, I really thank you this time. I will always remember your kindness to me, but in the future."

she gritted her teeth, plucked up her courage and said, "Let's not see each other again!"

she bowed her head when she said this.

she feels very scum. She has just used Chu Zi Mo and said such a thing. She is simply not a human being.

however, in order to stop the trouble, she can only do so.

"Uh..." Chu Zimo seems to have suffered a heavy blow, the whole person froze in the same place, for a long time to recover, "Qianxue, are you …"... Are you threatened "

"not." The wind and snow was in a hurry, so he simply braved and said, "I just think that after having a boyfriend, we should keep a safe distance from the opposite sex."... "

"your boyfriend, it can't be. Isn't it a thrill at night "

Chu Zimo asked tentatively.

"mm-hmm." Feng Qianxue nodded and dared not look at him. "I'm sorry!"

Chu Zimo did not speak, but picked up the coffee in front of him and drank it. He was controlling his emotions and trying to calm himself down.

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"Zimo, I owe you so much. I will give it back to you when I have a chance, but now, for us."

"I just want to ask one question." Chu Zimo interrupted the words of Feng Qianxue and asked in a low voice, "is that the father of the child"

Feng Qianxue was startled. She didn't expect that Chu Zimo would guess this.

in theory, he doesn't know anything, but it's baseless.

maybe I just guessed it intuitively, but I just guessed it.

"I guess I was right."

Chu Zimo's eyes became extremely complicated, and his hands holding the coffee cup were tightening.

"Nobody knows about it, not even himself." Wind Qianxue anxiously explained, "Zimo, things are very complicated, I do not know how to explain to you, in short, I do not want to involve you …"... "

"I understand!" Chu Zimo interrupted the words of Feng Qianxue and said gently, "it doesn't matter, now that you have chosen, I bless you!"

Feng Qianxue was stunned and looked up at him.

Chu Zi Mo is dressed in white, handsome as jade, the noon sun shines on him through the glass window, but can not hide his light.

A perfect gentleman, probably only he can afford it!

Unfortunately, she failed him again after all.


Feng Qianxue felt very guilty, but apart from these three words, she really didn't know what to say.

"Fool, you haven't been sorry to me." Chu Zimo held her hand and said gently, "what I have done for you is nothing. Even if it is just a friend, I should help." Not to mention. "

he lowered his eyes and smiled bitterly. "I want you to be happy more than together!"

he is telling the truth, and it is because he is too sincere that it is even more commendable!owel, put her on the bed, and patted her face: "Lingyun, Lingyun."Ling Yun gradually woke up and looked at him blurred, a beautiful and pure face as pale as paper, eyes twinkling with tears, looking a...