Chapter 2320-The Birth of 120

for nothing."Nomori made a sign and the bodyguard took out a coffee cup in a sealed bag with some coffee liquid that had no residue in it."I sent someone to the young master's office to find this cup..."when the mother wakes up, let her pick it up." Bai Hao smiled and said, "I can't make the decision."

"you are the father of the baby, why can't you make the decision" The nurse joked, "it seems to be henpecked, ha."

"not fear, but love, love." Bai Hao scratched his head sheepishly.

"it's nice that there aren't many men like this now."

several nurses laughed and joked that it was rare to see such a handsome man in such a small town.

"Ha ha." Bai Hao was praised happily.

"Oh, Mom is awake." The nurse found Hua Xiaofu awake and hurried forward to examine her. "how do you feel" Does the wound hurt "

"it hurts all over." Hua Xiaofu took a breath, "Bai Hao, where is my medical kit"

"I have it." Bai Hao hurriedly brought her medical kit, "I know which one is painkiller, but when you are in a coma, I dare not give you misuse."

"you can use it now."

Hua Xiaofu is still more confident about his medicine.

"what kind of medicine is this Does it work " Several nurses gathered around curiously, "should we ask the doctor first"

"she is the doctor."

Bai Hao brought the pain potion and fed it to Hua Xiaofu.

after Hua Xiaofu drank, he felt a little better and complained that he was hungry and wanted something to eat.

the nurse said that the time is not up yet, and we have to wait until the stomach is deflated before we can eat in the afternoon.

Hua Xiaofu could only continue to endure it. Bai Hao was distressed, so he gave her some water to drink, but it only moisturized her throat and could not drink too much.

the nurse came to Hua Xiaofu again and asked Hua Xiaofu what name to give the child. Hua Xiaofu wanted to sleep vaguely and casually said, "120th."

"Huh" The nurse didn't understand.

"one, one, two, two, zero... I'll think about it later. "

Hua Xiaofu is sleepy, and what comes to mind is the 120 ambulance that came to rescue her before she was in a coma, so he chose the name casually.

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"good, easy to remember!"

No matter what Hua Xiaofu says, Bai Hao feels good.

although nurses feel a little scribbled, they have to respect their parents.

after buying supplies and food, my mother-in-law came back and saw that Hua Xiaofu and the children were all well. She breathed a sigh of relief, hurriedly put down her things and ran back to stew for Hua Xiaofu.

Hua Xiaofu slept all day and night, and the next day she was refreshed, ready to eat and go to see her baby.

these three little ones are very weak and stay in the incubator all the time, especially the little one, zero, who has all kinds of physical problems since he was born.

the doctor gave the child various examinations and asked Hua Xiaofu and Bai Hao if they wanted to receive treatment.

although Hua Xiaofu has excellent medical skills, such a young child still has to receive systematic treatment in the hospital, but the medical equipment in this small town is limited. She is worried about delaying the child's illness, so she immediately discusses with Bai Hao to take the child to Haicheng for medical treatment.

fortunately, Bai Hao was ready and immediately arranged a special plane to Haicheng to take his mother-in-law there.

people in the hospital saw luxury cars coming to pick up the airport, and heard Bai Hao arranging a special plane, thinking that the two should be some low-key bigwigs, all talking secretly.

Hua Xiaofu didn't want to be noticed, so he took the child away in a hurry.

they spent the next two months in Haicheng Tzu Xin Hospital, a thunderstorm hospital that specializes in women and children and is very famous in China.

and the secrecy here is well done, and the privacy of patients is respected.

Bai Hao applied for a medical card here with a false identity and moved in with Hua Xiaofu, accompanied by his mother-in-law all the time.

for two months, Hua Xiaofu sat on the moon, the children received systematic treatment, and everything went well.

two months later, Hua Xiaofu's body completely recovered, and his condition of zero was stable.sly, "what do you want to do at night" They said, let's not go back to China. What does that mean Is it for us to live in Chiang Mai for the rest of our lives ""maybe." The wind and snow covered his a...