Chapter 2214-Domestic violence

= indo.adsbygoogle | | []) .ush ({});"I.""that's a good idea." Night Thunder suddenly said, "treat him in his own way!"Chu Zihan got the support of Night Thunder and immediately said, "if you don't wa..."it's fine. We'll stay at the presidential palace tonight."

Mina sent a message to report the situation.

soon, William replied, "take good care of her and make sure nothing happens."

"Yes, don't worry." Mina replied, "your Highness, go to sleep. It's 01:30 in the morning."

"I can't sleep. Let me know when Buddha comes back tomorrow."

"got it."

after sending the message, Mina looked up at Hua Xiaofu on the bed, her eyes full of envy.

even though she has become a Leng Di Feng woman, his Highness still can't give up on her. Probably, this is love.

in the middle of the night, Mina had just fallen asleep when someone knocked on the door and said that Avril was awake and crazy.

Mina hurriedly wakes up Hua Xiao Buddha.

Hua Xiaofu immediately put on his clothes and rushed there with a medical kit.

Avril Lavigne is very weak now, but she is still roaring madly in her hospital bed, scolding a language she doesn't understand.

is like a dying man cursing something.

"Viv, calm down, calm down."

the president's wife covered her mouth with a handkerchief to keep her from yelling.

the doctors were helpless and dared not give Avril Lavigne a tranquilizer, waiting for Hua Xiaofu to do something.

Hua Xiaofu immediately took the needle bag and went to give Avril a needle.

Avril Lavigne stared at Hua Xiaofu viciously, her eyes as cold as a viper.

but soon, she passed out and fell motionless on the bed.

"it can't go on like this." Hua Xiaofu frowned, "call a psychiatrist quickly."

"have been invited." The president's wife was exhausted. "Thank you, Buddha. Go to bed."

"Ma'am, I'll go back and make up some medicine first, and I'll send it to you tomorrow." Hua Xiaofu looked at his watch. "these medicines are taken regularly every day to help stabilize the mood, so it is much more convenient for them to be treated."

"Thank you for your hard work. I'll see you out."

"No need."

Hua Xiaofo wants to refuse, but the president's wife still insists on sending her.

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Hua Xiaofu looked at her haggard look and sympathized: "Ma'am, don't worry too much, this condition is not irreparable. As long as you are treated properly, there is still hope for recovery."

"I hope so." The president's wife sighed sadly, "well, I owe this child so much."... "

"is the president not at home now"

Hua Xiaofu found that from the beginning to the end, there was no sign of the president.

"he's busy with official business and hasn't been here lately." The president's wife smiled bitterly. "he is busy every day, and I take care of everything at home."

"Oh." Hua Xiaofu nodded and said nothing more. "have a rest, too. Don't tire yourself out. I'll go first."

"Thank you for your hard work today. Goodbye!"


Hua Xiaofu took Meina into the car.

when Mina saw the haggard figure of the president's wife in the rearview mirror, she could not help sighing: "such a powerful person should call the wind and rain. How could her daughter be like this"

"Yes." Hua Xiaofu was also puzzled, "what happened to that Miss Dai"

"do you know, Shu" Mina asked gossiping.

"I only heard that she was unhappy when she married to Dubai, and her ex-husband was prone to domestic violence." A Shu said, "it is said that the president was very angry and sent someone to take care of the ex-husband, but then."... "

"what happened next" Mina, super gossip.

"it seems that Miss Dai is having an affair and that her ex-husband has something on her hand." Ah Shu whispered, "so it's not easy to do this, and then it took a long time to get divorced. It was the husband who used the means to release the person."

"that's too much." Mina said indignantly, "I hate domestic violent men most. That man is so bold that even the president's daughter dares to do domestic violence." But is it true that Miss Dai is having an affair "

"I don't know." Ah Shu shook his head. "I also heard Huang Shao's men say that the president sent them to deal with the ex-husband."curled up in the corner and fell asleep.Tiger sat on the other side, looking hollow at the ceiling, as if waiting for a miracle.hearing the sound of the iron door opening, Taihu immediately looked up...