Chapter 2190-The cunning Leng Emperor Feng

nder thrust a pen into her hand.Feng Qianxue was furious when she saw the debt repayment agreement and tore it to pieces: "you can't control me. If you want to sue me, just sue me. I won't buy it."as..."Ha ha ha."

the old king picked up the teacup, touched the cup with Leng Di Feng, and drank the tea out of the cup. "Di Feng, little Buddha, this child is very simple, I like it very much!" Will you remember to let me know when you get married in the future I will certainly give you a big gift! "

"OK, I'll let you know." Leng Difeng smiled and nodded, "but. That Prince Charlie, he did a lot of work! "

his turn came quickly and suddenly.

Hua Xiaofu froze. It turned out that when she was hunted, Leng Difeng had already released the news.

she has no idea.

the old king's face froze. He was stunned for a moment before he came to his senses and said with a smile, "Charlie didn't know the identity of the little Buddha at that time. If he had known, he would never have hit her. Of course, this is also my oversight, blame me, blame me!"

"your Majesty is serious. How dare I blame you" Leng Difeng had some doubts. "I just don't understand. When the little Buddha was hunted down before, I had already released the news to announce her identity. How come the media spread so slowly, you don't know"

"I really don't know." The old king looked serious. "if I knew the identity of the little Buddha, I would never allow Charlie to do this, mainly because I read the news from the outside that you were going to be engaged to the daughter of the he family, one of the three families. Alas."

the old king sighed, "you see, there is a misunderstanding!" Those media are really abominable, what messy news is spreading, I am also old, a little slow to the media communication problems, so it has created an information buffer. "

"what your Majesty said is." Leng Difeng smiled and nodded, "you can be forgiven for not knowing the information, but I think that Prince Charlie is very young and has his own account on the Internet. It's very lively. Can he not know"


"in the final analysis, I am still ignored."

Leng Di Feng sighed deeply and sighed helplessly, "Today's young people, relying on someone behind them, are really not afraid of heaven and earth, unlike us, they all rely on their own fists to fight the world."

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said, he suddenly crushed the teacup.

with a bang, the teacup broke into pieces and splashed all over him.

Hua Xiaofu was startled and looked at him in amazement.

"Charlie is really confused about this." The old king was shocked and hurriedly changed his face. "you taught me a lesson today, otherwise he really doesn't know that heaven and earth are good!"

the old king played tai chi so well that he got rid of the responsibility in a word.

said that Leng Difeng had taught Prince Charlie a lesson, and it would take at least three or five months for that arm to get better.

Leng Di Feng broke Charlie's arm in front of the king and so many princes in the palace.

the old king didn't say anything, which is enough to save face.

what else do you want

"Oh, your Majesty, don't get me wrong." Leng Difeng looked innocent. "I didn't say anything. It was my mindless man who shot me at that time."

he pointed to Lenggang. "Lenggang, did I tell you to do it"

"No, sir."

No matter how slow Lenggang is, he understands the meaning of Leng Di Feng. He memorized the pot.


the old king was dumbfounded and looked at Leng Di Feng with astonishment on his face.

Hua Xiaofu felt excited. Oh, my God, she only now knew how cunning Leng Difeng used to be.

you old fox said that Charlie had nothing to do with her, and Leng Difeng could also say that Lenggang was a personal act.

this is called returning the other body in the other way!

tall, wonderful!

"things that don't know whether to live or die." Leng Difeng scolded Lenggang, "your Majesty's grandson, how dare you move" Why don't you apologize for your death "nge.the Duke of Louis asked anxiously through the door, "what's going on" Explain it to me quickly. "Night Thunder ignored him, changed his clothes and left."Hello!" The Duke of Louis followed.Night T...