Chapter 2136-Triplets Gene

of emotion and sadness."Why""you don't need to know that. By the way, Xiaofeng, I have already transferred your appearance fee and reward money to your bank card that night. Have you received it ""I'l..."this." Leng Dongcheng hurriedly pulled Leng Xiao and asked in a low voice, "when did she come back"

"this morning." Leng Xiao smiled and replied, "Sir picked it up at the airport in person."

"Uh..." Leng Dongcheng was dumbfounded, "didn't you say you broke up" Di Feng also acquiesced in the rumor of the family affair, and the king's side also …... "

"these are my husband's private affairs. I don't know." Lengxiao smiled and said, "Mr. City, I'll take you down."

"what on earth is going on" Lengdongcheng was very anxious. "Emperor Feng is not going to marry this woman, is it" He refused to agree to the president because of her. "

"maybe." Leng Xiao echoed a sentence.

"No way." Lengdongcheng was shocked. "Why is he so obstinate" It doesn't matter what this woman wants. What does he see in her "

"Shh ~" Miss Leng interrupted Leng Dongcheng hastily, reminding her, "Sir regards Miss Hua as a treasure. He will be very unhappy if he wants to hear that."

"this. Alas. "

Leng Dongcheng was furious, but he had no choice but to leave in a huff.

"take care of the city."

Leng Xiao looked at his back and just wanted to laugh. This man, ah, worries too much in order to stabilize his position.

you know, my husband is not his son, and even if he is, he can't control him. Mr.

is arrogant by nature, and no one can be allowed to control what he believes, just like when he wants to marry Hua Xiao Buddha, the emperor and Laozi can't stop him.

not to mention a small cold east city.

"knock, knock!"

Hua Xiaofu symbolically knocked on the door, then knocked directly on the door and came to the cold emperor's study.

"have you finished your dinner"

Leng Di knew she was coming even though she was in the limelight.

"how did you know it was me"

Hua Xiaofu went to his desk and sat on the black sofa opposite Leng Di Feng, putting his legs up on the chair and playing in circles like a child.

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"who dares to come in without my consent, except you" Leng Difeng looked up at her and could not help but raise the corners of his lips. "it seems that we will have to build an amusement park at home in the future!"

"well, you have so much space here that you can build an amusement park more than enough."

Hua Xiaofu smiled like a carefree child.

I don't know why, she became like this in front of him unwittingly.

"then you will give me a lot of children and play with you."

Leng Di Feng leaned against the seat and looked at her gently.

"this." When Hua Xiaofu thought of his physical condition, his eyes twinkled a little, but he soon smiled and said, "look at providence!"

"it's not God's will to have a baby." Leng Di Feng gave her a white look, "our Leng family has triplets gene, as long as you are pregnant, you can have a table!"

"triplets gene" Hua Xiaofu stopped turning his chair, threw himself on his desk and asked curiously, "then why don't you have any brothers"

"Yes, they are all dead." Leng Difeng replied lightly, "my mother gave birth to triplets, but I was the only one who survived, and the other two were killed as soon as they were born."


Hua Xiaofu's heart trembled. She never knew that Leng Di Feng had such an experience.

"my aunt and my father, and another late uncle were also triplets, but they didn't live long."

speaking of this, Leng Di Feng's lips arouse the arc of ridicule, "it is rumored that the Leng family are short-lived, in fact, it is because of cannibalism."

but it's all right now. I've killed them all, the Leng family. I'm in charge! " When

said these words, Leng Difeng understated his tone, as if he were stating a trivial matter that was not worth mentioning. children and got on the bus.Yueyue cried as she watched the car drive away.when Longlong heard Yueyue crying, his tears soon came out, but he stubbornly shriveled his mouth and did not cry.Chenchen h...