Chapter 2121-Bet

Feng Qianxue doesn't know how she got out of the building. It's 07:40 in the evening and all my colleagues are off duty.she took a taxi and left, sitting in the car, with an impulse to cry. She didn't..."I know, I know."

William bowed his head and his voice was infinitely sad.

how could he not know

but he had no choice.

whether to die now or later is bound to die.

but he has to let himself gamble. Before

, he placed all his hopes on the old king, hoping that the old king would still have a trace of conscience and see his advantages and give him a chance.

but after what happened today, William was completely desperate.

maybe he was abandoned for so long that the old king completely ignored his value and didn't even bother to act.

it was this belittled attitude that made William give up this affection.

now, he would rather bet on China Little Buddha and Leng Di Feng.

bet that these two people, one for friendship and the other for love, will finally choose to give him a helping hand!

perhaps this road is more useful than awakening the old king's family.

"now that I know it, I will fight my fate to the end." Hua Xiaofu is very righteous. "Don't worry, I won't let you die. It's not something a doctor can do."

"but have you ever thought that if you don't go back, what will you do if you do get engaged" William reminded her.

"if he really changes his mind so quickly, I have nothing to be ashamed of." Hua Xiaofu is open-minded. "I haven't seen him for half a year, and he's going to marry someone else, which shows that he doesn't mean it to me at all."

"I don't comment on the relationship between you and me. I can only say that a lot of things are difficult to prevent." William solemnly reminded,

"do you know how many powerful people are doing everything they can to marry their daughter" When you are away, they will create all kinds of opportunities, and the girls will use all kinds of means to tempt him to pester him.

in case he gets hit accidentally, and the other party has an honorable status, he can't get rid of it, and then it won't be up to you. "

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". Hua Xiaofu had a headache when he heard this. "isn't it just a man" As for this kind of robbery "

"not an ordinary man." William said seriously, "he represents all kinds of resources of the world's top business families, as well as assets that can't be spent in a lifetime."...

even I, a prince, can only play a supporting role in front of him. You are always free and don't think how precious or important he is, but other people don't think so. "

"OK, I get it." Hua Xiaofu interrupted him, "I know he is very good, he is very good, but if he really wants to change his mind, I can't stop him."

besides, he has always been very determined when we were separated for seven years, but now he has repeatedly spread the gossip "

"before he had a shaky foundation, the time has not come, but now he is different." William explained, "he opened up the European market, established a solid foundation, and destroyed Yideng. The three families no longer dared to think about him, and even the president had to treat him politely."

now he is standing at the top of the world. Of course, countless people are looking up, and there are countless people who want to climb, even my king's grandfather! "

"well, he's so good, so popular..." Hua Xiaofu laughed at himself, "but so what" In my eyes, he is just the cold emperor wind, all the halo and status, have nothing to do with me.

I'm going to call him and explain the situation. If he really treats me, he will wait for me for half a year. "

said, Hua Xiaofu took out his cell phone and looked for the number.

"Little Buddha" William hastened to stop her. "Don't be silly. If you tell him you want to stay with me for another half a year, you're done."

"Why" Hua Xiaofu still doesn't understand.

"how can an arrogant man like him allow you to ignore him again and again" Not to mention for another man. " William was in a hurry. "more importantly, if you don't leave this time, I'm afraid you won't be able to leave in the future."to a deep sleep, woke up, the night thrill has gone.she stretched herself, got up and went to the bathroom to wash, looking at herself in the mirror like a normal person.what happened last night seems...