Chapter 2103-Really amazing

King of Night arranged it for a reason, so don't worry about it." The night glow advised with a smile."the Night King has arranged for us to accompany you to country e. There are some problems that we..."should know." Prince William said in a low voice, "Leng Di Feng broke up with her last night and announced his engagement to he Zijun this morning. How fast!"

"really" Robin wondered very much. "I think my husband has a deep affection for Miss Hua. He has done so many things for her before. Why should he suddenly break up"

besides, if he liked that HeZijun, he would have been together a long time ago, why did he agree to it now With his personality, otherwise he would not have been forced by any situation. why on earth is that "

"to suppress me on purpose, I'm afraid." Prince William frowned. "he saw that I was borrowing his reputation to achieve my purpose, so... That's the only way to do this! That's a great move! "

"No way." Robin still thought it strange. "if he sensed something, he could have suppressed us in other ways. There was no need to sacrifice his feelings with Miss Hua and marry HeZijun." He doesn't seem to be such an emotional person. "

"I don't know what kind of medicine he sells in the gourd, but it must be aimed at me." Prince William frowned. "I underestimated the aggressiveness. I thought I was fast enough to solve the problem before he knew it. When the problem was solved, I would apologize to him."

but I never thought that he would move faster than me, that is to say, when the little Buddha came to Denmark, he had already started to investigate me, and then made corresponding countermeasures, waiting to be released now, and caught me by surprise. "

"that's too tough." Robin frowned. "We just took advantage of his prestige and didn't do anything, but when he fought back, he was trying to kill them all!"

"not if you are not ruthless." Prince William sighed. "besides, I offended him first. He wanted to fight back, and I had nothing to say."

"what do I do now" Robin looked at him nervously. "We've done so much, and with victory just around the corner, we can't just give up halfway, can we"

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"I'm working on it." Prince William looked dignified. "do you remember what I told you this morning"

"remember." Robin nodded again and again. "Don't worry, I know what to say, but Miss Hua …"... "

before Robin had finished speaking, there was a quick knock at the door. "your Highness, your Highness, Mr. Fang is here."

when he heard this, Robin was stunned and looked at Prince William in amazement: "how did Fang come at this time"

"his Majesty must have seen the news and asked him to come." Prince William looked even more ugly. "this move is really amazing. All victory was in sight, but he suddenly came to this move and pushed me to the bottom of the valley."

"Yes." Robin was distraught. "according to the original plan, your Majesty will come to our castle tomorrow, that is, to examine the water problem, and then we can arrest people." It all makes sense, just one day, one day, suddenly the wind changes. Do you think your Majesty will change his mind now and not intend to pursue this matter "

"not only will I not pursue the poisoning, but I may also question my intentions." Prince William squinted slightly, "question that I deliberately find someone to frame those rooms, question me to fake the relationship between the little Buddha and the Buddha, in the name of the Buddha to achieve the goal."

"No way." Robin was completely dumbfounded. "if that's the case, isn't our plan …"... "

"there is no plan." Prince William interrupted, "it would be nice not to impose a crime of deception and rebellion on me now!"

"what are we going to do" Robin was completely out of line.

"now there's only gambling." Prince William frowned, "bet on whether your feelings for the little Buddha are firm enough!"Xiaofu answered hurriedly: "Hello, William!""Little Buddha, are you all right"Prince William's gentle voice came from the other end of the phone with cordial greetings."I'm fine, William. How's your l...