Chapter 199: Running away with two million yuan?

by the side of the road. "Dabao, let's play a game.""stop playing." Chen Chen looked at the direction of going home, sensible said, "my mother-in-law is not feeling well these days, walking is gasping..."No, it's nothing."

the wind and snow made his scalp numb and frightened, and secretly cursed Xiao Sibao in his heart.

this guy is so abominable. Why are you yelling at this critical moment

is it trying to kill her

Night Thunder took a deep look at the wind and snow, said nothing, turned around and left.

until his footsteps completely disappeared, Feng Qianxue finally breathed a sigh of relief and angrily reprimanded Xiao Sibao: "Sibao, don't talk nonsense!"

"Mommy." The little Sibao committee shrugged his little green head and said, "Bad guys, afraid!"

"I know he's a bad guy, but..."

"knock, knock!" There was a knock on the door outside, "Miss Feng, may I come in"

"hold on." The wind and snow shut the little Sibao in the bathroom, which let the thunderstorm in.

"Miss Feng, the Night King has left for Eagle country. Tell me to take good care of you. Breakfast is ready. Would you like to use it in your room or …"

"has he gone to Eagle country" The wind and snow interrupted the thunderstorm and asked excitedly, "how long will it take"

"if it's fast, it may take three days, but if it's slow, it won't be clear. He should be back as soon as possible."

"Don't be in such a hurry, just stay a little longer."

Feng Qianxue wishes he would never come back.

"heh heh." Lei Yu smiled and said, "We have dealt with the person who attacked you last time. There will be no danger in the future. I have sent someone to repair your house. In addition."

"No, no." The wind and snow hurriedly stopped it. "I'll take care of my house myself. Don't worry about it. Tell those people to stop. No one goes to my house."

"Huh" The thunderstorm froze.

"what hurry up." Feng Qianxue is afraid that people will know about the child.

"all right, I'll arrange it right away." Thunderstorm immediately called to inform the decoration company to return.

"they haven't come to my house yet, have they You didn't check anything, did you " The wind and snow are not at ease.

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"not yet. On the way, I returned as soon as I received the message." The thunderstorm smiled and said, "Don't worry, without the order of the Night King, we will not investigate you at will." But. "

paused, thunderstorm asked gingerly, "you …" What on earth are you worried about "

"everyone has their own privacy." The wind and snow squeezed out two tears, "I have been controlled by the night devil, I just want to keep the last bit of space …"... "

"the Night King doesn't control you, he likes you."

"how is it possible" At the mention of this, Feng Qianxue was angry. "if he liked me, he would give me some villas, buy me some luxury cars, give me a deposit of NT $0.8 billion, and then hold me like a princess instead of bullying me every day."

"maybe everyone expresses it differently" The thunderstorm smiled.

"then his way is quite special." Feng Qianxue rolled his eyes and then asked, "Dr. Lei, I want to go home, okay"

"of course. I'll arrange a car for you right away."


on the way back, thunderstorm said to Feng Qianxue, "Miss Feng, it's much safer to live in a villa. If you want to go to work, I'll arrange for someone to pick you up."

"I still feel more comfortable living in my own home."

Feng Qianxue gently stroked the feathers of Xiao Sibao, and he was sleeping soundly.

"all right then." The thunderstorm didn't say much, "I'm not here these days. If you have anything, you can call me at any time."

"got it, thank you." Feng Qianxue was absent-minded, and she was still thinking about how to get rid of the night thunder, or run away with the 2 million with the children.

"if you want to buy a house, I can also arrange it for you. After all, Shengtian's real estate industry is spread all over the world, and there are branches in every city."

hearing these words of thunderstorm, the wind and snow gave up the idea of running away. The thunderstorm probably hinted that she could be found wherever she went, so forget it. the anxious voices of the servants outside: "here comes the Duchess. Go downstairs to meet her."Leng Qianxue was stunned. It turned out to be Louis's mother, the Duchess."knock, knock!" There was a k...