Chapter 194: Green Eyes

t the door was open and unclosed. She immediately went to the door to watch. A female doctor was outside, talking on the phone.the bodyguards of the night house, who do not know why, all hurried to took Feng Qianxue half an hour to walk out of the front door of the villa. There was a green road outside, with two rows of tall trees on both sides, and street lights on the trees, illuminating her way out.

she straightened out her chest and moved on.

the night breeze was slow and pleasant, and the cries of frogs and worms came from the woods, and the moonlight shone down through the branches, shining beautifully on the road like a painting.

the beautiful scenery gradually calmed down the mood of the wind and snow, and strengthened her determination to stay away from the night thunder.

she must not be controlled by him and become a slave to the devil!


suddenly, there was a cry of a wild animal in the woods.

the wind and snow suddenly stopped and stood still.

did she hear wrong just now

Why do you hear the sound of wild animals

must have heard it wrong.

she clutched her beating heart and walked on.


the sound comes again, this time longer and closer.

Feng Qianxue opened his eyes wide in surprise, and his heart beat wildly.

No way, there are beasts here

she tightened herself up and looked around. There was no movement in the woods.

but she's still scared.

although she takes a bus every time she goes up and down the mountain, she remembers that it is at least more than ten kilometers from the villa to the road.

it takes her at least four hours to walk more than ten kilometers.

who can guarantee that in these four hours, the beast will not jump out and eat her clean and become a pile of bones

when I think of this, the wind and snow are in a cold sweat.

she looked back at the villa not far away. She walked about a kilometer, and now it's not too late to look back.

her footsteps have gone back.

however, after taking two steps, she remembered the cold eyes of the night, the overbearing and powerful personality, and some hesitation.

if you just go back like this, the debt repayment contract will be signed!

from now on, she owes him 98 million yuan. I don't know when and when she will be able to pay it off.

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she is his slave before she pays it off and must be obedient to him.

the thought of these two words gave her the creeps.

No, if you are alive, you will never go back!

Feng Qianxue gritted her teeth and moved on. At the same time, she took out her cell phone and made a phone call.

now call a car to pick her up. It will be safe if you get in the car.

however, she was dumbfounded when she found out the phone.

before, the mobile phone was flooded by the pool, and the touch screen failed, but now the screen can't move at all, and occasionally it will flash and jump at random.

as she walked forward at a brisk pace, she swung her phone hard, trying to throw the water out.

maybe the phone will work in this way.

but she is obviously naive.

in order to save money, she bought the cheapest mobile phone with a market price of 888.She also sent an electric fan.

that's it, but it's not bad to expect water to come in

what a fantasy!

Wind Qianxue wants to cry but does not cry. Now there is no way to ask for help. I just hope God bless her and let her leave this hellhole safely.

apart from looking for a duck four years ago, she has never done anything bad in her life.

good people will be rewarded. Come on!

while secretly praying in my heart, I quickened my pace and moved on.

walked about a few hundred meters, and no monster rushed out. Feng Qianxue thought that it might be his auditory hallucination just now, breathed a sigh of relief and began to slow down a bit.

but just then, she suddenly found a pair of green eyes staring at her in the woods not far away.

she suddenly froze, opened her eyes wide in amazement, stared at the green eyes, thinking.

is an illusion, it must be an illusion!

she blinked hard and opened her eyes again. Instead of disappearing, her green eyes came closer.

in the moonlight, a fluffy animal slowly approached her with a cold pace.airs and downstairs, making it easier to get close to Leng Qianxue."other people live next door." Leng Bing politely said to the Night Army, "We Miss Leng ordered not to take too many people.""I'll ju...