Chapter 1976-Warning

is's just that they never thought that something like this would happen to you last night. It is estimated that Night Thunder also gave a temporary order. If you don't go with him, his men w...Bai Hao was about to book a flight when the phone rang and Uncle Ball called and excitedly said that there was an explosion in an orphanage.

Bai Hao was so shocked that he hurriedly told his aunt the news.

Auntie immediately drove over with Bai Hao.

fortunately, there were no child casualties in the orphanage. Only two staff members were injured, one of whom was seriously injured and was sent to hospital for medical treatment.

the local police arrived and are investigating the situation.

my aunt received phone calls one after another. Accidents occurred in several other orphanages one after another. Food poisoning, mental illness broke into the child, and one was even more outrageous. A big truck crashed directly into the orphanage.

hearing these news, my aunt was so anxious that she rushed to each orphanage with Uncle Qiu and Bai Hao to check the situation and deal with the follow-up matters.

A few hours, the three people opened a video call and exchanged information. So far, there have been no child casualties. Although some staff members have been injured, they are not life-threatening, which is a lucky thing.

Uncle Ball judged decisively: "this is an organized and premeditated disturbance. The purpose is to threaten us. I think it may have something to do with that madman."

"but how does he know that these orphanages belong to Buddha, and how does he know the address of the orphanage" The aunt hurriedly asked, "Little Buddha has always done a good job in secrecy. At that time, he only met us once, and he probably didn't know that."

"Night groups are lurking around the world, with professional information departments that are far more capable than they are, so it's not difficult for them to investigate a person."

Uncle Chiu's rational analysis,

"fortunately, when Xiao Buddha listened to us, he kept his identity and the orphanage strictly confidential, so it was difficult to investigate, so the four orphanages involved in the accident were all in Switzerland, and there was nothing wrong elsewhere for the time being."

"so they only found part of the information about the little Buddha, and some of them didn't fully grasp it" The aunt asked.

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"should be." Uncle Qiu nodded, "moreover, the other party issued a warning, probably to distract us, so that we do not have the energy to interfere in the affairs of the little Buddha."

"another meaning is to warn us." The aunt's tone was very dignified. "there were no child casualties in this explosion, but once he was angered, he would not be so lucky next time."... "

"that's right, so we can't go. The orphanage needs our protection." Uncle Qiu thought the same way. "besides, even if we go to Haicheng, we may not be able to help."

"what about the little Buddha Don't you care about her " Bai Hao is in a hurry.

"the little Buddha is now protected by the Leng family and is very safe." Uncle Qiu is very rational. "there's nothing we can do if we go." Besides, what she thinks about most is the orphanage. If she knows something is wrong at the orphanage and we go to her, she will blame us instead. "


"I'll call Xiao Fu and ask her for her opinion."

Auntie is going to hang up the video and call Hua Xiaofu.

"wait a minute." Uncle Qiu immediately stopped it. "Don't tell Xiao Buddha in advance. With her temper, if she knew about the accident at the orphanage, I'm afraid she wouldn't even have the operation, so she had to come back directly."

"right, too." The aunt was a little uneasy. "what should I do" I'm really worried that she's over there alone. "

"if you call her again tomorrow, be sure to tell her not to leave the Leng family reserve, as long as she doesn't leave, she will be fine."

Uncle Qiu exhorted.

"I already told her this today, but I'm still worried." The aunt was worried, "even if there is a cold family to protect, that madman can not get close to him, but what if the people in the dark night help"

Dark Night is one of the top killer organizations in the world. I'm afraid the cold family may not be able to deal with it. "ot speak, but only looked aggrieved."all right." Night Thunder is getting wider and wider now. He would have punched it before, but now he can understand A Hai's feelings.A Hai is not afraid of being...