Chapter 1944-It's good that you are happy

the auction did not continue until they left the meeting.White Dew is very unhappy. She spends so much money on bidding, while Feng Qianxue does nothing, she can easily become the focus of attention!t..."Huh" Leng Dongcheng thought he had heard wrong and looked at he Zijun unbelievably.

"it's still Zijun who understands everything." The cold emperor wind stirred up the corners of his lips and said, "go back early and get ready."


he Zijun smiled and nodded, then turned and left.

did not say a word about the countermeasures and persuasion discussed before.

Leng Dongcheng was dumbfounded. Looking at the figure of he Zijun leaving, he couldn't figure out what was going on. This woman asked him to be a villain and flinched to be a good person.

or does she have another strategy

or is it that she was hurt by Leng Difeng's behavior and absolutely gave up on him

Leng Dongcheng doesn't understand. He really thinks that a woman's heart is really elusive.

"City boss, shall I see you out"

Leng Xiao said something at the right time.

"Oh." Leng Dongcheng sighed deeply and left with him.

when he went downstairs, he couldn't help asking Leng Xiao, "Leng Xiao, what do you think of Lenggang and Lenggang"

"the general manager of the city is kidding. We are just followers. How can we express our opinions at will" Leng Xiao said humbly.

"Don't be so modest in front of me." Leng Dongcheng said hurriedly, "you are both people trained by Ruoshuang, and you are a few years older than Difeng, more mature and stable, and more aware of the overall situation. You are all a family. What can't you say"

"well, let me give you my opinion." Leng Xiao smiled, "of course we hope Leng Shi is good, and we also hope that Leng Jia will always be at the top and become the ruler of Leng Shi."... "

"that's right, you should try to persuade."


before Leng Dongcheng finished his words, Leng Xiao added, "We believe that Sir, all his decisions have their own reasons, and we also believe that he is not a wayward person. I hope you will believe him, too."

"er." Lengdongcheng was completely speechless, and he thought that he could persuade Leng Xiao to persuade Leng Di Feng, but he did not expect the same result.

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"that's all."

Leng Dongcheng was very frustrated and shook his head to get on the bus.

"take care of the city."

Leng Xiao followed for a few steps and waited for the car to leave before he turned and went into the room.

Lenggang greeted him and asked, "do you really want to take Miss Bao to the party"

"mm-hmm." Lengxiao nodded.

"I think when Miss he left just now, although she was calm on the surface, her eyes were frighteningly cold." Lenggang was worried. "what if the vice president is really married to the he family"

"I don't know." Leng Xiao smiled helplessly, "but our mission is to be loyal to Mr., no matter what decision he makes, we will support him."

"Yes." Lenggang nodded again and again, "forget it, we don't understand those complicated power disputes, sir can do what he wants to do, the worst thing is to cause any mess, let's just clean it up."

"that's right." Leng Xiao patted him on the shoulder. "I'll find sir."

"mm-hmm." Lenggang continues to run errands.

back to the study, Leng Difeng is answering the phone, in a low voice, only a faint response: "well, I guess I was right!" Good. Good night! "

hung up the phone. He looked up at Leng Xiao. "are they all gone"

"Let's go." Leng Xiao came forward and asked, "Miss Hua is already dressing up. When are we leaving"

"six o'clock." Leng Difeng looked at his watch. "what didn't Leng Dongcheng say to you"

"he wanted me to persuade you, but he was blocked by me before he finished speaking." Leng Xiao smiled, "probably scolded me in the car right now."

"you're not going to persuade me" Leng Di Feng raised his eyebrows and looked at him.

"I want to, but I dare not." Leng Xiao smiled helplessly. "Leng Gang also talked to me just now, but then we agreed that we didn't understand those scheming disputes, and we didn't need to understand them."

just like you do with Miss Hua, we think you can do whatever you want, as long as you are happy, it's a big deal, and finally we'll help you clean up the mess. " a family picture yet.""Let's shoot it today." Yueyue ran over and took Zhu Ma by the hand. "Grandma, why don't you change your clothes""the dress is too tight and it looks awkward. Let's change it wh...