Chapter 1934-Can't escape

sister, okay""Yes, I will." Chen Chen nodded heavily."all right, have breakfast and Daddy will take you to school." Night Zhenting looked at his watch and urged, "there are still ten minutes left.""W..."guard the door." The aunt gave orders in a low voice.

"Yes." Kelly became obedient, walked slowly to the door and stood at the door like a sculpture.

Auntie immediately opened the window and a cold wind was blowing in her face. This is the seventh floor. Fortunately...

she pressed the watch on her wrist, and soon a familiar voice came: "Auntie!"

"act now."

"now!" After

sounded the alarm, the aunt quickly came over, skillfully pulled out the needle on the back of Hua Xiao's hand, put on her coat, and then helped her to the window: "can you do it"

"Yes!" Hua Xiaofu struggled to hold on to the windowsill, and my aunt put down the rope. she grabbed the rope and was ready to jump.

just then, there was a sudden knock on the door: "knock!"

Hua Xiaofu was stunned for a moment and looked back subconsciously.

"Miss Hua!" It's the voice of Leng Xiao. "Sir, let me take you back. Can we leave in an hour"

"go back" Hua Xiaofu had to respond first, "if you haven't healed, you just go back to the castle"

if you go back to the castle and want to escape again, it will be difficult. Mr.

said that you were uncomfortable living in the hospital and had an infirmary set up in the castle. Dr. Helen will also move to the castle with the medical team later. "

Leng Xiao explained respectfully through the door.

hearing these words, Hua Xiaofu was a little uneasy. It turned out that Leng Di Feng had made so many arrangements for her quietly.

he must be very angry that she just left now.

"if you want to leave later, it's up to you."

Leng Xiao added.

Hua Xiaofu suddenly hesitated, not as decisive as before.

the aunt looked at her like this and whispered, "Why don't you think about it again" I think he pays attention to you. "

"the more you pay attention, the more you want to stay away."

Hua Xiaofu quickly made up his mind, clung to the rope, and decided to jump.

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just then, my aunt's watch suddenly began to vibrate, she answered immediately, and Bai Hao on the other end of the phone shouted anxiously, "Oh, no, Auntie, I was."

before he had finished his words, there was a "drip -" noise from his watch.

then the communication is cut off.

Auntie knew something was wrong and hurriedly dragged Hua Xiaofu back.

as soon as Hua Xiaofu landed, before he could gain a foothold, he hurriedly said, "drop the communicator, quick!"

Auntie reacted so quickly that she immediately took off her watch and flushed it down the toilet.

at the same time, there was an urgent knock on the door outside the ward: "Miss Hua, I'm coming in!"

then, Leng Xiao crashed into the door.

Kelly was knocked to the ground by him, covering her forehead, breathing in pain.

and Hua Xiaofu closed the window as fast as he could and fell ill on the bed, pretending to be as if nothing had happened.

Leng Xiao's eyes glanced quickly at Hua Xiaofu. She put on her coat, his eyes tightened slightly, then glanced at the window and Kelly on the floor, and finally landed in the bathroom. There is a sound in


he squinted coldly and strode to the bathroom.

just then, the aunt dressed as a nurse came out of the bathroom with a mop on her face and said fluently, "it's all cleaned up!"

"who are you" Lengxiao looked at her warily.

"I'm the new doctor." Answered the aunt.

"Medical Care" Lengxiao's eyes were filled with doubt and examination.

"what, what's wrong" The aunt looked nervous. "did I do something wrong"

"I told her to clean the bathroom." Hua Xiaofu suddenly said, "what's the matter"

"nothing, I'm just worried about Miss Hua's safety." Leng Xiao replied respectfully, then turned to look at Kelly. "were you in the room just now"

"Yes, Boss Xiao." Kelly has returned to's the difference between me and him! ""Ye Hui told me that at that time you had a toxic attack, and Ye always compromised with the Don temporarily in order to get the antidote.""it's all excuses."...